JI1 (HauHau)
2019-06-05 20:03:02in mathematics, there is a so-called real number line that
represents all the numbers existing graphically, or visibly...
the numbers on the real number line are called real numbers,
of couirse, there are imaginary numbers, which differ, but
i just want to focus on this real number line.
real number line is simply a line, horizontal line, stretching
from left infinity all the way to right infinity....
remember, you always have the positive integers, which are called
natural numbers. then you have the number zero. then comes the
negative nubmers.
you also have positive infinity, and negative infinity.
so remember, there are goods, and bads; strongs, and weaks;
positive, and negative; virtues, and sins, and moderacies.
numbers 6:1 and the lord spake unto moses, saying
作者: woeisi (Woo Is I?) 2019-06-06 02:08:00
So from 0 to inifinity on the right, where is themidpoint? and why?
作者: Dennis0525 (dennisliu) 2019-06-30 14:03:00
What about imaginary number? I don't see the worldbeing so simply divide like this. Good or bad can't be tell by neither of us, can it?What is virtue? What is sin? Is robbery a crime that can't never be forgiven? What if the man who weregarded as criminal robbed beacuse of proverty?Don't you think those entrepreneurs are more likethe robbers than these who are covicted?