mathematics is mathematics. matheamtics is the things that
are just the way they are, and things taken for granted, if
not noticed.
mathematics directly comes into numbers, like one, two, three,...etc.
then comes logic, like if, and, or, else, not,...etc.
then comes sets, ot shapes, like square, triangle, rectangle, circle,...etc.
knowing these notations or symbols gives you awefully much convenience
in real lfe, for example, knowing lines helps you know the streets better.
kowing logic helps you listen more carefully, and knowing numbers
gives you a good idea of what is going on.
mathematics directly implies philosophy, like ethics, or epistemology.
ethics basically focuses on good for good, and evil for evil, and its proof.
epistemology is the process of knowing, or understanding.
finally, mathematics directs to physics, knowing the natural world,
and the laws of the physical world.
last, it is good to know history of mathematics, and the bible.