在练口说的app看到一组寒暄对话 其中一句是 A 说这周很忙 B问 What made it so busy for you ? 我自己若想表达的话会说 What made you so busy 之类的 对他例句的用法有点好奇 google了一下也没找到一样的 不确定是不是我的想法比较台式 在此请教 谢谢
some nuances could be found in these two sentencesdepending on the contextI would say the first one is more objective likeyou're asking what are those things that've keptyou busy, which implies you didn't do anythingyourself to become busy, it's other externalfactors that contributed to the situation of "busy"While the second one subtly points out you might'vedug youself a hole in which you're now busywhich is not so polite becuz it presents a feelingof judgementBut overall both are fine, especially if you knowthe person well.line 5: didn't do anything to yourself *