[请益] 两个问题..

楼主: howisfashion (丫丫)   2022-07-10 14:01:52
1. There has been a pronounced shift in how many historians and analysts look
at this seminal event.
2. set apart
put apart 请问这3者有什么不同?!
keep apart
作者: enggys (Sam)   2022-07-14 17:39:00
1. 确定原文有那个 "many" 吗?2. 这三个问 google 都可以得到答案喔.若把原句简写成 There has been a shift in how they look at this. 就可推出简句里的 "they" 等于原本的 "many historians and analysts". 补充点个人感觉: shift 可以是质变也可以是量变, 若因为那个 "many" 而把原句拆解成 There has been a shift in how many look at this (differently) 的话 (括号内为脑补), 意思就不一样了. 前者是说"学者们对这件事的看法改变了", 后者是说 "持不同意见的学者, 在数量上呈现了消长". 私以为这个 "many" 有些累赘.更正一下, 第二种解读的写法要把 "look at" 改成 "looking at" 才正确. 不过你可以体会为什么在略读时有可能被拐吧.

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