※ 引述《afj0928 (大头)》之铭言:
: 如题, 随着学了有几个意义为容忍的单字后,不确定辨别的方式是对的
: 所以跟大家讨论一下, 我若有错欢迎指正及讨论
多使用的方法,希望能慢慢正确理解 subtle difference,实在是比
: 1.bear = 广义用来指容忍的单字
bear 背负
It's your decision - you have to bear the responsibility if things go wrong.
Tell me now! I can't bear the suspense!
The strain must have been enormous but she bore it well.
: 2.stand = 这个容忍包含"主动面对"的意味
stand 承受住
Our tent won't stand another storm like the last one.
: 3.abide = 这个容忍强调因"不喜欢或讨厌"而无法容忍的意味
abide 接受
He couldn't abide laziness.
cannot abide such bigots
: 4.tolerate = 这个容忍强调因"某种因素或现实"而不得不默许的意味
tolerate 包容
I will not tolerate that kind of behaviour in my class.
I won't tolerate lying.
: 5.endure = 这个容忍特别强调"长期而不作声的忍耐"
endure 撑过
endure a nine-hour delay
endure three painful operations
The political system established in 1400 endured until about 1650.
前述单字基本上 overlap 的地方很多,也因此,您一定会觉得我写下的定议
太过武断,然而,做为一个 English as second language foreigner,我只
希望知道各单字的“独特”之处,也就是说,我希望将 overlap 的部份砍了
来记,举例来说,当希望表达“撑过”这个概念时,你用 tolerate 就怪怪的