preed (Freedom)
2019-01-31 13:43:06药品总收入 medicine gross revenue
门(急)诊药品收入 outpatient(emergency) medicine revenue
住诊药品收入 inpatient medicine revenue
其他药品收入 other medicine revenue
伙食费收入 meal stipend revenue
员工总人数 number of employee
编制医师人数 number of certified physician
编制非医师人数 number of certified no-physician
约用医师人数小计 number of contract physician
约用主治医师人数 number of contract attending physician
约用住院医师人数 number of contract resident doctor
约用非医师人数 number of contract no-physician
编制主治医师人数 number of certified attending physician
支援医师诊次 number of support physician visits
用人成本(含奖励金) personnel expense (include incentives)
固定用人成本 fixed personnel expense
编制人员 certified staff expense
约用人员 contract employee expense
其他人事费用 other personnel expense
年终奖金+考绩奖金 year-end bonus + performance evaluation bonus
奖励金 incentives
水电费 utilities
工作场所电费 workplace electricity bill
工作场所水费 workplace water bill
瓦斯费用 gas bill
油料费用 fuels fee
国内旅费 domestic travelling expense
卫材成本 medical supplies cost
血液成本 blood cost
管灌成本 tube feeding cost
药品成本 medicine cost
门(急)诊药品成本 outpatient(emergency) medicine cost
住院药品成本 inpatient medicine cost
其他药品成本 other medicine cost
药品损益 medical income(loss)
外包费 outsourcing cost
医疗外包费 medical outsourcing cost
行政外包费 administrative outsourcing cost
支援医师费用 support physician cost
办公事务用品 office supplies expense
代管资产折旧 entrusted assets depreciation
基金总资产 the assets of the fund
门诊人次 number of outpatient visits
急诊人次 number of emergency visits
住院人日 days of stay
住院人次 number of inpatients
门诊初诊人数 number of outpatient first visit
急诊初诊人数 number of emergency first visit
急诊转院人次 number of emergency transferred to hospital
急诊入院人次 number of emergency admitted to hospital
健保收入 NHI(National Health Insurance) revenue
急性一般病床数 number of acute general beds
急性精神病床数 number of acute psychiatric beds
急性一般+精神病床数 number of acute general beds and acute psychiatric
现有员工数合计 total number of current employee
医师 number of physician
护理人员 number of nursing personnel
其他医事人员 number of other medical personnel
行政人员 number of administration staff
其他 number of others
公务人员 number of civil servant
约用人员 number of contract employee
楼地板面积 floor area
全日三班护病比 nurse-patient ratios with three shifts
住院医师未超过88小时之人数 number of resident doctor working less than
88 hours
住院医师人数 number of resident doctor
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