※ 引述《naushtogo (苍痕)》之铭言:
: 请问剑桥例句:
: He came home last night blind drunk.
: 出处:
: https://goo.gl/W1Cqbx
: 这里的drunk是指:
: 1. He came home last night (and he was) blind drunk?
: 2. adv?
: 3. 其他?
: 个人感觉是1,但不是很确定文法,所以上来请教大家,谢谢!
昨天一时看错以为是在问blind, 但事实上是问drunk
后来想一想蛮有趣的, 所以今天问了我周围的人
I will keep your secrete safe.
I will keep your secrete safely. (I will keep your secrete in a safe way.)
不过这蛮有趣的, 我后来对我朋友开了一个玩笑
If I'm going to say "I'll keep your secrete safely",
that means your secrete is not necessary to be safe.
So I asked few friends about the sentence.
Do you think "he came home last night blind drunk" means
"he was drunk at that moment" or "he came home in a drunk way, like yelling"?
Apparently, the first statement is what they felt and answered.
Thus, "drunk" in the sentence is an adjective.
※ 编辑: laifei (, 06/19/2018 16:50:16