※ 引述《anoymouse (没有暱称)》之铭言:
: 文法书:旋元佑
: If I were to take the bribe, I could never look other people in the eye again.
: "用be going to减化的过去型态were to,可以表示“未来时间非事实”,也就是未来也绝
: 无可能发生的事。"
: 因为在前面有提到几个例子:
: 1. John will leave tomorrow.
: 2. John is going to leave tomorrow.
: 3. John is to leave tomorrow.
: 4. John is leaving tomorrow.
: 5. John leaves tomorrow.
: 想请教那条件子句能不能相对上面五句:
: 1. If I would take...(would有不确定性,应该不行,但是should又可以,蛮奇怪的)
: 2. If I were goint to take...
: 3. If I were to take...(已知可以)
: 4. If I were taking...
: 5. If I went to take....
我觉得你的问题蛮奇怪的,假设“绝不可能发生的未来”就是If子句动词用were to而已
动词(would, should, could, might)配合原形动词。(更正:后来看到你第三句就是
were to的用法,所以第三句是正确的。)
”拼法(will, shall, can, may),也可以用“过去”拼法(would, should, could,
If the man should prove innocent, I will apologize openly.
If the man should prove innocent, I would apologize openly.