norge (Boston)
2017-07-19 01:05:32文章中有一段在描述研究员研究蜜蜂与新菸碱类之间的关系
The researchers went on to feed ten colonies with an artificial
pollen supplement, lacing the supply to half those colonies
with clothianidin. After a 12-week regime that mimicked the
pattern of exposure in the fields, the bees that had grown up
in the hives getting spiked food had 23% shorter lifespans and
were poorer foragers.
请问倒数第二行中的spiked food要怎么理解比较好呢?
Neonicotinoids have not been found responsible for big declines in
the bee populations, or widespreadcolony collapses. Bayer and
Syngenta both argue the new results do not support a ban on the
chemicals...... Jeremy Kerr says they show that the insecticides
increase the risks for bees of various species, acting as "a kind
of reproductive roulette".
请问最后一行的 reproductive roulette 要翻成什么比较好呢?