[字辨] competing or competed

楼主: aa0401 (家里没大人,猴子当大王)   2016-03-18 18:02:49
15. A careful analysis of the___b____ products on the market indicated that
our product lacked innovation and optional features.
(A) compete (B) competed
(C) competing (D) competition
The word "competing and competed" are verbal adjectives derived from the verb
Competed products
When “competed” is used as an adjective, it means "who/that is/are competed
over or hard to get."
The competed products = the products that are hard to get because everybody
wants to have it and compete for it.
Competing products
When competing is used as an adjective, it means "who/that is/are competing."
The competing products = the products that are competing with each other to
increase sales
但其实我自己有用google查了一下,查不到be competed over,想问大家,真的有这种用法吗?C真的不可以吗?
作者: priv (键人就是搅琴)   2016-03-18 21:14:00
我觉得…他在讲三小 XD
作者: dunchee (---)   2016-03-18 23:56:00
这题目源自Dr. Lin Lougheed的(BARRON'S) 600 .... TOEIC一书(我手头的是第三版)。答案是B competinghttp://i.imgur.com/cirPBN4.png 题目http://i.imgur.com/to1vg2K.png 解答用Google Books(专找出版物)搜寻"competed products",原则上是没有(有出现个位数笔数。点开来看的话其实是OCRtypo)"competing products"本身是惯用表达http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/competing
作者: wohtp (会喵喵叫的大叔)   2016-03-19 11:54:00
换个老师呗 XD
楼主: aa0401 (家里没大人,猴子当大王)   2016-03-19 14:15:00
谢谢大家,应该是题目key错,老师硬掰出来的解释XD 其实我之前有因为老师一直说错答案换老师了,这是第二个,没想到还是…
作者: wohtp (会喵喵叫的大叔)   2016-03-19 19:45:00
competing:它主动来跟你竞争,一般都是用这个competed: 它在那里,你跳下去跟它竞争,听起来好像似乎可能也通?但是!要这样用的话后面应该多接with!

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