[请益] 一题阅测选择

楼主: summroak (summroak)   2014-11-10 12:48:26
"Chicago wheat futures soars to near -14 month high as global crop
outlook dims" the sentence means
1) The wheat prices go up and which makes the future of crop prices will
go even higher.
2) The wheat prices go up and which makes the future of crop prices will
go down.
3) The soaring price make the information on email go darker.
4) The information on email will grow dramatically.
答案为 2
我的解读是 当global crop 前景黯淡 但芝加哥的小麦期货却创14个月来新高
这整句应该怎么翻译才正确 ??
作者: bluecadence (Maxwell's demon)   2014-11-10 16:52:00
作者: wohtp (会喵喵叫的大叔)   2014-11-10 17:26:00
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楼主: summroak (summroak)   2014-11-10 17:52:00
我就是觉得没有一个正确。 选项会写email 是因为outlook故意误导

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