这是从一本学英文作文的书上看到的,但作者没翻译解释 想请问版上高手如何解释? Killing for killing's sake is a terrifying phenomenon and as strong a proof as we could have of that "reality of evil" with which present-day Philosopher are again concerned. 试译:为了杀人而杀人是令人害怕的现象,而且同时也是个强而有力的证据支持我们可 能拥有邪恶本质--至今哲学家又再度关心的话题。 我想问的是 1. as strong a proof as 过去所学 as(adv) soon(adj) as(连) possible(it is possible的省略) 那为什么soon 可以改成 strong a proof? 2. we could have of 这里怎么会多一个of?