一句话形容照片景色: The most impressive pictures from the worlds of science and technology this week, including an amazing aurora and a Mexican moonscape. 最后一句很难想像, 墨西哥月亮形状有什么好说的, 那边不是一样嘛? 什不是我翻译有误呢……
The dark cityThe “Harvest Moon” rises over Ciudad Juarez inMexico; the nearest full moon to the autumn equinox,it was also the final supermoon of the year. (Reuter是指上面那一张"在墨西哥拍摄的月亮照片"http://www.thefreedictionary.com/moonscape1. A view or picture of the surface of the moon.^^^^^^^*的月球(表面)照片注:the dark city 照片文字说明来自 BBC 网站。