[单字] flaunt (已解决)

楼主: uopsdod (pcman)   2014-06-05 16:26:44
Japan office admits to flaunting rule
Could someone help me explain the word, flaunting, here?
Does it mean that the officers wanted to make those Chinese caterers
jealous and envious by having them around some luxury dining table?
作者: clydechen (christopher)   2014-06-05 17:18:00
应该错误 看了好几次完全没谈到关于炫耀 应该他是要打flout结果手误结果底下也有人认为是flout ==
作者: ewayne (ec)   2014-06-05 18:58:00
http://tinyurl.com/mr5jtmm 明明就有这个字,为什么不先找字典呢?
作者: clydechen (christopher)   2014-06-05 19:23:00
flaunt是炫耀 但是文中是指无视法则完全跟此字无关 觉得输入错误
作者: dunchee (---)   2014-06-05 22:30:00
http://ahdictionary.com/word/search.html?q=flaunt-> 2 ... 相当于我们讲的“无视/蔑视(相关法令/规定)”也看Usage Problem -> Usage NoteGoogle Books算是可以找到很多本书。不过我换到The NewTimes找,变换了几组字串,没找到(至少可以肯定的是他们的人没有很频繁的使用flaunt这字意,频繁到能很容易找到)看样子nytimes的情况符合那个Usage Note说的(大多数人不用这字的这字意)
楼主: uopsdod (pcman)   2014-06-11 23:27:00
恩恩感谢各位,看来是个冷僻的字。这里的意思为disregard (a rule)

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