[请益] 询问MRI病理报告判读

楼主: s0124665005 (HEY!Hae)   2025-02-23 06:20:23
各位好 家父之前是恶性脂肪肉瘤,开除7公分肿瘤,有复发两次,目前是每半年断层检查
Recurrent liposarcoma along Lt psoas and iliacus muscles s/p salvage op on 2023
/1/7, margin positive (Tumor present at the cauterized edges) TECHNIQUE: Magne
tic Resonance Imaging of MRI of Pelvis, ShowCOMPARISON: CT on 2024.09.19FINDINGS
:1. compatible with S/P left retroperitoneal liposarcoma excsion, colectomy and
left nephrectomy. 2. stationary lipomatous soft tissue lesion along the anterio
r surface of lower left psoas muscle (3.7 cm, Se16 Im11) extending to left ingui
nal canal (Se16 Im11-22), suggesting residual/recurrent tumor. 3. new enlarged
mass at common iliac region. (3.7 cm, Se13 Im49), suggest nodal metastasis. Mini
mal ascites. 4. no remarkable finding of liver, GB, pancreas, bil. adrenal gland
s. Presence of accessory spleen. 5. right renal cyst. Ascending colon diverticul
osis. 6. no pleural effusion or active lesion in the lung field. 7. degenerative
change of spine. No bony destructive lesion. IMPRESSION:Left retroperitoneal li
posacoma S/P OP and RT. Stationary retroperitoneal residual/recurrent tumor (3
.7 cm) and extend to the left inguinal canal. New enlarged mass at common iliac
region. (3.7 cm), suggest nodal metastasis. Minimal ascites.Progressive disease
is suggested.
楼主: s0124665005 (HEY!Hae)   2025-02-23 06:22:00
作者: GUANGLEI (OOO)   2025-02-23 10:08:00
楼主: s0124665005 (HEY!Hae)   2025-02-23 11:46:00
有的 我刚刚也有用翻译 但现在不确定是否是两处都有3.7肿瘤呢有腹水及转移至淋巴 是不是不太理想QQ

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