[日记] Emiko my friend

楼主: chenj182 (jeff)   2018-08-06 23:15:30
I can not imagine that we have not met up for almost three years. I still remember when was our first time to travel in Vancouver, Time flies, right ?
Finally, we have a opportunity hang out with each other in Taipei, I really admire how you are brave, no data, no Taiwanese dollars, only just have a backpack and said "Jeff, I am gonna visit Taipei, please wait for me"hahaha.
All in all, thank you for your coming,thank you that you are satisfied my arrangement,two nights three days is too short for us, we still have a lot of places which we don't have a chance to guide you, we are looking forward to meeting up again or next time will be my turn to visit you,is it ok for you ? haha.
Hopefully, you like Taiwan as well, best wishes for my best Japanese friend.

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