ccwtw (监督国会亮起来)
2010-11-22 17:43:40http://www.ccw.org.tw/?p=3464
久闻台湾民主发展的傲人成绩,欧洲公督盟Parlorama的执行长Edouard Meier
公民监督国会联盟荣幸邀请到欧洲公督盟Parlorama的执行长Edouard Meier,
【演 讲 者】Edouard Meier, Director or Parlorama
直接民选的议会(欧洲议会,European Parliament)与736席议员为主要对象,以进
其评鉴包含绝对成绩的结果与相对排名的综合表现 两类;评鉴基准则分为三种,
Director Edouard Meier, Parlorama简介
Director Meier曾任欧洲议会副议长办公室主任、巴黎m+w communication执行长,
Since April 2009 Director – Europe Parlorama, Paris/Brussels
* Research Office based on innovative methodology to evaluate the
activities of the European Institutions(Studies on the European
Parliament, French Regions, and European Commission).
* Management of IT team. Development of the software technolgy used
to gather and analyse data in real time.
* Chairman of the scientific commitee.
* Representation of the organisation in meeting with EU officials.
* Publication of semantic studies based on European assemblies and
governments data.
Since September 2008 Director – Europe m+w communication, Paris/Brussels
* Management of the Brussels office – European Public Affairs.
* Representing companies and NGOs in meetings with EU officials.
* Business development, communications strategies,legislation monitoring.
* Development of communications campaigns.
* Implementation of Internet solutions to communicate and improve cooperation
for clients.
* In charge of the following accounts: Weber & Shandwick;ILO Office for
the Benelux and the European Union;European Parliament; Bouygues;
European Commission;European Members of the European Parliament;
Planinternational; Agency Limite; Colas; Agency June 21;Vinci;
European Institute of technology; Brunswick.
August 2004 – October 2008 Head of office - Vice-President of the European Pa\
rliament European Parliament, Brussels/Strasbourg/Luxembourg
* Staff Management.
* Political strategy. Relations with parliament political group and national
party. Campaign Director for the 2004 European Elections.
(South-West constituency).
* Member of the bureau group for information and communication
(EP Live, Lux Prize, Europarl TV, 2009 European Election Communication
* Implementation of protection of personal data at the European Parliament
and Environmental Management System (EMAS).
* Legislative work in the European Parliament’s committees on Justice and
Home Affairs and Internal Market and Consumer Protection (counterfeiting,
telecom package, intellectual property rights).
* Development of policy positions with the members of the European Parliament
and Political Group advisers.