kissung (天堂鸦)
2024-08-02 07:55:12【宣公上人遗言摘录】:
I want to tell you what to do after I’m gone. All of you should prepare yours
elves psychologically. I may depart at any time. Nothing is fixed.
All people have birth, old age, sickness, and death. Even the Buddha entered N
irvana when the time came. This time I have been ill for five years. Three yea
rs ago, I continued lecturing on Sutras and speaking the Dharma as usual. You
all didn’t know that I was ill as I propagated the Buddhadharma. Now I feel t
hat my illness is getting worse day by day. I don’t know when I will get bett
er and when I will get worse, so I will tell everyone about what to do after I
’ve gone.
If I go, a certain layperson made an offering to me of a yellow padded jacket
and yellow pants. I can wear this set of clothes with a long robe outside, as
I usually do. Then I can wear a yellow host sash or the red host sash. Actuall
y, the yellow sash is also a host sash.
After I depart, you can recite the Avatamsaka Sutra and the name of the Buddha
for however many days you would like, perhaps seven days or forty-nine days.
After the cremation, scatter my ashes in the air. I do not want you to do anyt
hing else at all for me. Do not build any pagodas or memorials. I came into th
e world without anything; when I depart, I still do not want anything, and I d
o not want to leave any traces in the world. I came from empty space, and I wi
ll also return to empty space.
I won’t be leaving much of anything behind, just a few strands of recitation
beads. You can draw lots to see who gets what. Whatever you draw is yours. Tha
t’s just in case.
If I don’t tell you now, then when the time comes, you’ll panic and not know
what to do. Now I’m telling you what to do after I depart, so when the time
comes, you won’t all have your own opinions.
I can’t be together with you all your lives. Every person has a time for comi
ng and a time for going. Don’t be sad. Act the same way that you do in ordina
ry times. Resolve to apply effort diligently. The City of Ten Thousand Buddhas
has its unique features. The rule of eating one meal a day should be kept. Yo
ung people should eat one meal a day. It’s alright for elderly people to eat
three meals. It’s better for young people to eat less. The important thing is
to cultivate.
Every one of you should work hard to make Buddhism flourish. In every move you
make and every word you say, you should be thinking on behalf of Buddhism. Do
not fight, do not be greedy, do not seek, do not be selfish, do not pursue pe
rsonal advantage, and do not lie. Then you will certainly become a Buddha in t
he future. Every person has to shoulder the responsibility of propagating the
Buddhadharma. If you can cause Buddhism to prosper and flourish, then I’ll be
able to set my heart at ease no matter where I am.
Do a good job of training people and teaching the students. You should get org
anized and run the schools well. The elementary school should be managed well,
the secondary school should be managed well, and the university be managed we
ll even more! Educating and training people is very important. You shouldn’t
care exclusively about yourself.
In my life I have never wished to contend with anyone, or to be greedy, or to
seek, or to be selfish, or to pursue personal advantage, or to lie. So when I
walk, I always walk behind everyone else. My intent is not to contend with any
one for fame or benefit. If there is any advantage that other people want, I d
on’t want it. What others don’t want, I pick up. The Buddha treated everyone
with kindness, compassion, joy, and giving. He didn’t exclude or give up on
anyone. Even though I’m not the Buddha, I want to learn to be like the Buddha
Right now I’m like two people. One is still saving living beings everywhere.
As for this person who is me, I don’t care about him. I will not help myself.
❏图片来源: http://www.fjtp.org/zushi/xuanhua
❏文章来源: http://xhsr.foxueol.com/drba_others/memory1/life8_chinese.htm