nyrnu (B-18901)
2019-05-23 23:39:03※ 引述《nyrnu (狗年行大运)》之铭言:
: 标题: [新闻] 长荣航空即日起赞助英超西汉姆联队
: 时间: Fri Jun 1 15:03:29 2018
: [媒体名称] 中央社 [新闻日期]2018/6/1
: [网址]http://www.cna.com.tw/news/aopl/201806010030-1.aspx
: 长荣航空赞助英超西汉姆联队
: : 发稿时间:2018/06/01 09:50 最新更新:2018/06/01 13:31
似乎没人提,顺便提一下好了 (虽然有点冷门)
长荣航空,继去年此时赞助英超 West Ham United 足球队后,
长荣航空将赞助法甲汉斯足球队;期间为2019-2020 season
Bonus(比较相关): 入境英国,将不需于机场/港口填写入境卡(landing card)
看看何时台湾人也可在英国用e-Gate 自动通关?
Bonus(比较无关): 英航100周年庆, Queen 造访英航于LHR HQ
(issued by British Overseas Airways Corporation)
EVA Air signs on as Stade de Reims shirt sponsor
SportBusiness Sponsorship staff
23rd May 2019
French Ligue 1 football club Stade de Reims has signed Taiwanese airline EVA
Air as a major sponsor for the 2019-20 season.
Under the deal, EVA Air, which already holds a partnership with English
Premier League club West Ham United, will have its logo positioned on the
front of Reims’ shirt.
EVA Air is currently the only airline to provide daily flights from Paris to
Richard Wang, chief executive of EVA Air, said: “The unifying dimension of
football, as well as the proximity of the Reims region with Paris, where we
offer a daily flight, were important factors in the genesis of this
The deal was brokered by the Infront France agency.