wacer (acer)
2020-05-14 12:26:18[必]我已经读过且了解置底版规、费率、发文必读公告,并愿意遵守规定:
* 如已读过,请填 YES
* 如未读过,请读过再重新发文。未填视为未读,一律删文处理并警告。
[必]工 作 量: 18,393英文字左右(请载明字数,或估算大约总字数。违者直接删文。)
[必]工作报酬: 英文字每字1.2台币
[必]涉及语言: 英译中(例:中译英)
[必]所属领域: 法律(例:教育/医学/法律)
[必]文件类型: 合约(例:论文摘要/期刊/书信。* 专业文类必须符合对应最低费率要求)
[必]截 稿 日:(若为急件,请加乘急件费率。计算方式请见置底公告)
[必]联络方式:[email protected] 并请附上line帐号方便联系
[选]工作要求: 请务必有合约翻译经验,有疑虑可以用付款方式保障权益
6.02 Authority.
(A) The General Partner has the authority to bind the Partnership, by
execution of documents or otherwise, to any obligation consistent with the
provisions of this
Agreement and the operative documents of the Parallel Vehicles. Subject to,
and except as
otherwise provided in Section 6.03 and Section 6.04 and the operative
documents of the Parallel
Vehicles, the General Partner may contract or otherwise deal with any Person
for the transaction
of the business of the Partnership, which Person may, under the supervision
of the General
Partner, perform any acts or services for the Partnership as the General
Partner may approve. The
General Partner shall use reasonable care in the selection and retention of
such Persons.
[选]试 译 文:(100-200字,并不超过全文1/10。严禁私下试译。若未提供请勿删除)