yes, read
[必]工 作 量: 3000字(请载明字数或估算大约总字数。违者直接删文)
[必]工作报酬: over 0.3 per English word, bid as you wish if competent
[必]涉及语言: English
[必]所属领域: counseling psychology
[必]文件类型: writing sample for application to graduate school
(例:论文摘要/期刊/书信。* 专业文类必须符合对应最低费率要求)
[必]截 稿 日: 06/15(若为急件,请加乘急件费率。计算方式请见置底公告)
[必]应征期限: till dealine
[必]联络方式: PTT mail
[必]付费方式: Pay right after accomplishment, contacting number is provided if necessary
[选]工作要求: please be as academic as possible by the format of APA thesis
For people in USA, seeking psychotherapy has become more acceptable in the
past decade and the trend will go on (Mojtabai, 2007). Meanwhile, African
American elders are reported being less positive toward seeking psychotherapy
than their
white counterparts (Conner KO et al., 2010). In accordance, Douthit (2009) also
indicated that the assumption of trainees with color having competent knowledge
of culture for the White counselee is a mistake. These studies revealed the
difference of psychotherapeutic comprehension in cultural or racial background
within the same increasing group of USA. Likewise, Taiwan has her own issues
of psychotherapy-seeking intention on a cultural basis. Hence, the current study
focuses on three major issues in fields of cultural and non-cultural background of
the Chinese and finds specific solutions of education to ameliorate the issues
(132 words)
[选]试 译 文: As above
[选]其他事项: sorry, editing not on computer would look like a mess.
but the poster has once passed the requirement of SoP from top 50 Univ- in USA,
hope someone with greater omnipotence may help.
Note : please reply directly with FINISHED TRIAL and your brief background(s),
Thank you :)