[征才] 台北时报诚征全职翻译人员

楼主: creamycake (绵蛋糕)   2014-11-17 21:26:05
[必]负 责 人:吴阿明
[必]地  址:台北市内湖区瑞光路399号14楼
[必]电  话:02-2656-1000#5851
[选]传  真:
1.Taiwanese national
2.Native English speaker with strong Chinese language skills
3.Experienced in Chinese to English translation
4.Knowledge of Taiwanese culture, society and politics
5.Office-based position,shift 2pm to 9pm,3pm to 10pm
[必]联 络 人:Perry
[选]其他事项 配合报社业务,故上班时间为下午至晚上

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