keith291 (keith)
2014-04-01 21:43:51※ 引述《AceID (哈囉)》之铭言:
: http://ppt.cc/VS-P
: 如图 有爬过文发现有不少的讨论
: 好像有说要去看他们“个别跑到无限大的速率”
: 但这题,看以来应该是速率相同?
: 想请问专业的大大们的想法
: 这题应该是如答案所言的发散
: 还是 ∞ + (-∞) = 0 ∴ 收敛 呢?
(1)if f is continous on [a,b) and is discontinous at b,
b t
then ∫f(x)dx= lim ∫f(x)dx if this limit exists as a finite number
a t→b- a
(2)if f is continous on (a,b] and is discontinous at a,
b b
then ∫f(x)dx= lim ∫f(x)dx if this limit exists as a finite number
a t→a+ t
c b
(3)if f has a discontinous at c,where a<c<b and both ∫f(x)dx and ∫f(x)dx
a c
b c b
exist,then we define ∫f(x)dx =∫f(x)dx+∫f(x)dx
a a c