请帮我看一下还需要修改哪个部分....第一次提疑义 有点紧张
在Burns, Pierson & Reddy 于2014年提出的Working Together: How Teachers Teach
and Students Learn inCollaborative Learning Environments一文中,提到了有关“协
同学习”(collaborative learning)的特征如下:
Collaborative learning (Johnson & Johnson, 1988) is an instructional method
characterized by the following traits:
1.Positive interdependence: Team members need one another to complete their
task. They cannot complete the activity alone.
2.Individual accountability: Each team member is responsible for a certain
part of the task or fulfills a certain role. If someone is not doing his/her job,
true collaboration is absent.
3.Social skills: Team members must learn to handle conflict, argue
constructively, and disagree without being disagreeable, etc.
4.Face-to-face interaction: Team members physically work together, in a
common space, to complete their task.
5.Group processing: Team members help one another understand how learning
occurred and how each team member contributed to completion of the overall
product. Reflecting on learning is critical to real learning.