Damnatio Memoriae*
Five years ago, after a quarrel, you locked up a girl in bedroom
While you bunked in your couch, totally pissed off
Next day, when you woke up from a migraine, she had gone
Later, two cops knocked your door. Yet it turned out to be nothing particular
They just ‘invited’ you to the precinct for a little ‘talk’
It’s not even the first time you were busted into a police station
You were free to go after a scolding by a senior officer
Who happened to be your girlfriend’s uncle
She was dead to you, for sure. She never shown up again
Three days later, your parents came back from a biz trip
Nobody knew this episode, not even the gossiping doorman
After that summer, you graduated from the college
And got a job in the then burgeoning virtual reality industry
The only problem was, you started to remember things