[新闻] White author using Asian pen name to be published

楼主: kamadevas (蔗尾蜂房)   2015-09-11 00:00:12
Yi-Fen Chou: White author under fire after using Asian pen name to be
published more often
Justin Carissimo, New York, Thursday 10 September 2015
A white author is under fire after using an Asian pen name in order to avoid
rejection letters.
The newly published The Best American Poetry 2015, an esteemed literary
anthology, features a poem from "Yi-Fen Chou," the pen name of a white author
named Michael Derrick Hudson.
Inside the 2015 edition, the author says that there's a "very short answer"
for his reasoning. He's been rejected a "multitude of times" under his real
name and using the Asian identity was a "successful" strategy for him.
"The poem in question, 'The Bees, the Flowers, Jesus, Ancient Tigers,
Poseidon, Adam and Eve,' was rejected under my real name forty (40) times
before I sent it out as Yi-Fen Chou (I keep detailed submission records). As
Yi-Fen the poem was rejected nine (9) times before Prairie Schooner took it.
If indeed this is one of the best American poems of 2015, it took quite a bit
of effort to get it into print, but I'm nothing if not persistent," he writes.
"I realize that this isn't a very 'artistic' explanation of using a
pseudonym. Years ago I did briefly consider trying to make Yi-Fen into a
'persona' or 'heteronym' a la Fernando Pessoa, but nothing ever came of it."
Writers responded to Mr Hudson, shortly after poet Saeed Jones posted the
excerpt to his Facebook page.
Franny Choi, a Frederick Bock Prize winner, told The Independent that the
author’s deception is cultural appropriation at it’s purest, as
Asian-Americans are forced to change their names to survive racism.
“When I was in the second grade, I stopped going by my Korean name, Jeong
Min, because at seven years old, I already felt the shame of being foreign
and the exhaustion of hearing my name butchered over and over again. As a
kid, I tried to imagine myself as an author but worried about how to hide my
obviously Korean surname,” she said.
“For Asian-Americans, changing our names is a strategy to survive a racist
and nativist America. Michael Derrick Hudson's pseudonym is cultural
appropriation at its purest — it’s stealing from the struggle of people of
color for a white man's personal gain.”
Author Danez Smith told The Independent that he hopes the author's "antics"
doesn't continue to hurt writers of color and that his actions "distract (a
function of racism) from the work of amazing writers of color published under
their real names."
"Michael’s theatre has already taken up space a writer of color could have
filled, his antics trivialize the experience of people of color, of growing
up with a name that many white Americans refuse to fit in their mouths," he
"I hope his actions don’t continue to hurt writers of color, specifically
writers from the Asian diaspora. I hope editors don’t use this as an excuse
to continue to marginalize actual People of Color, but rather teach us a
lesson about responding appropriately when racism announces itself,
especially when that announcement is plain, clear and in the author’s note."
The Angry Asian Man blog also accused Mr Hudson of yellowface in poetry and
predicted that the author wouldn't be enjoying his newly discovered privilege
much longer.
The anthology's editor Sherman Alexie responded to his critics in a lengthy
blog post. He explained why he chose to publish the "poetry colonist" after
he discovered that the author was a white man.
"I only learned that Yi-Fen Chou was a pseudonym used by a white man after
I'd already picked the poem and Hudson promptly wrote to reveal himself," he
began, admitting he was angry after being fooled by the "colonial theft."
"But I had to keep that pseudonymous poem in the anthology because it would
have been dishonest to do otherwise. If I'd pulled the poem then I would have
been denying that I gave the poem special attention because of the poet's
Chinese pseudonym.
"If I'd pulled the poem then I would have been denying that I was consciously
and deliberately seeking to address past racial, cultural, social, and
aesthetic injustices in the poetry world."
Mr Alexie said that in keeping the poem he commit "an injustice against poets
of color and against Chinese and Asian poets in particular."
However, Mr Smith responded to the blog post by saying that the editor's
response made little sense.
"I can’t imagine how a writer of color, one who claims to be about literary
justice for people of color, could muster the logic to reward a white man for
his racist act. If being called out for 'racial nepotism' (read: our
imaginary friend Reverse Racism) is the price of having one less white male
voice, one masquerading as a Chinese one (for the what? mediocre poetry fame?
Infamy as a catalyst for stardom?), then let them call you what they will,"
he said.
The [insert] Boy author and Lambda Literary Award winner recalled a
conversation with poet Joshua Bennett, where the pair discussed how out of
character Mr Alexie's explanation was. They agreed that the editor had
previously displayed a "long track record of being critical of whiteness and
its offices."
"His unfortunate actions and reasoning hopefully show us that we can’t just
talk shit about dismantling racism in our world, our publishing reality, but
we have to be willing to make the brave, and I believe also sensible, choice
when the moment arrives."
The Independent's calls to Simon & Shuster and Michael Derrick Hudson were
not immediately returned.
作者: spacedunce5 (讀不完的書)   2015-09-11 00:22:00
the editor's response is totally illogical

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