[节日] 春节期间预订拍卖物

楼主: laechan (挥泪斩马云)   2014-01-15 16:44:59
你身上带有 3 件物品。负重(112/11925)
阖家平安护符(Amulet. Peace to all your family.)。
物件列表机─雷精之戒(Lightning_spirit ring)。
> oblist amulet
与 阖家平安护符(Amulet. Peace to all your family.) 同目录之其它物件资料列表:
阖家平安护符(Amulet. Peace to all your family.) amulet
 型态:misc Lv120 重77 价100000 防100 mag:65 air:45 con:60 fel:40
行大运腰带(Belt. May it bring you great fortune.) belt
 型态:belt Lv120 重55 价100000 防155 air:35 dex:40 con:45 fel:50
步步高升靴(Step-High Riding Boots) boots, step-high riding boots
 型态:foot Lv0 重250 价0 防250 air:45 dex:75 fel:35
一元复始手镯(Bracelet: A new year, a new beginning.) bracelet
 型态:bracelet Lv120 重33 价100000 防70 mag:45 air:25 fel:35
财源广进红内裤(Briefs. May a river of gold flow into your pockets.) briefs
 型态:underwear Lv120 重25 价100000 防10 dex:45 con:20 fel:45
千朝瑞气斗篷(Cloak. May it bring you luck by thousands.)
cloak, propitious cloak
 型态:cape Lv120 重200 价100000 防150 mag:40 air:55 dex:45 con:40
富贵有余龙纹马褂(Dragon Ma-gua. May you have wealth overflowing.) cloth, ma-gua
 型态:cloth Lv120 重220 价100000 防250 mag:40 air:40 con:65 fel:35
富丽吉祥绣花旗袍(Flower Cheongsam May you have wealth overflowing.)
cloth, ma-gua
 型态:cloth Lv120 重70 价100000 防150 mag:35 air:35 con:30 fel:80
春‘倒’了大钹(Cymbal. May spring come to you.) cymbal, shield
 型态:shield Lv120 重500 价100000 防350 str:40 air:35 con:40
招财进宝耳坠(Earrings. May wealth come generously to you.) earrings
 型态:earring Lv120 重17 价100000 防25 mag:40 air:30 fel:35
万事亨通手套(Gloves. May everything go well.) gloves
 型态:gloves Lv120 重50 价100000 防99 mag:35 air:45 fel:35
◎发财帽◎(Hat. May prosperity and wealth come to you.) hat, wealth hat
 型态:head Lv120 重105 价100000 防88 mag:30 con:35 fel:40
吉祥如意金链(Necklace. May everything run well on your way.) necklace
 型态:necklace Lv120 重25 价100000 防50 mag:50 air:50 fel:50
三阳开裆裤(Pants. Spring with good luck comes in full form.) pants
 型态:pant Lv120 重150 价100000 防120 air:40 dex:40 con:35
美梦成真白金戒(Ring. May dreames come true.) ring, may dreames come true
 型态:ring Lv120 重49 价100000 防10 mag:55 air:45 fel:50
五福临门护肘(Sleeves: May all fortune come to your door.) sleeves
 型态:sleeves Lv120 重50 价100000 防150 str:40 air:35 dex:35
满福内衣(Vest. May happiness come to you in full forms.) vest
 型态:vest Lv120 重50 价100000 防50 con:66 fel:66
三、理论上大部份防具的叙述皆以修正为 2014 甲午马年。
2014_春节 目录下的防具,持有有效期限为两年。
今年春节除了拍卖 /d/auc/2014_春节 目录下的所有东西之外,亦将
拍卖 /d/auc/blarket 目录下的东西,而且是“不限制的”,该目录
望有玩家全部 miss 而觉得遗憾的情况。

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