peter220 (PeterLiau)
2017-10-22 15:52:18BFI网站最近以惊悚片单回应这个万圣恐怖月,
The Lonely Villa (无中译, 美国短片, 1909)
Suspense (无中译, 美国短片, 1913) *
Dr. Mabuse the Gambler (赌徒马布斯, 德, 1922) *
Sparrows (麻雀, 1926)
The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog (怪房客, 1927) *
Spione (间谍, 德, 1928)
Blackmail (敲诈, 1929)
M (M就是凶手, 德, 1931) *
The Most Dangerous Game (最危险的游戏, 1932) *
Rome Express (无中译, 英国, 1932)
Terror Aboard (恐怖孤舟, 1933)
The Testament of Dr. Mabuse (马布斯博士的遗嘱, 德, 1933)
The Man Who Knew Too Much (擒凶记, 1934)
The 39 Steps (国防大机密, 1935) *
The Last Journey (无中译, 英国, 1936)
Young and Innocent (少女, 1937)
The Lady Vanishes (贵妇失踪案, 1938) *
They Drive by Night (无中译, 英国, 1938) *
Gaslight (煤气灯下, 1940) *
Night Train to Munich (开往慕尼黑的夜车, 1940)
Man Hunt (万里追踪, 1941)
Suspicion (深闺疑云, 1941)
The Murderer Lives at Number 21 (凶手住在21号, 法, 1942)
Saboteur (海角擒凶, 1942)
Le Corbeau (乌鸦, 法, 1943)
The Leopard Man (豹人, 1943)
Shadow of a Doubt (辣手摧花, 1943) *
Double Indemnity (双重保险, 1944) *
Gaslight (煤气灯下, 1944)
Laura (罗兰秘记, 1944) *
The Lodger (房客, 1944)
Ministry of Fear (恐怖内阁, 1944) *
Murder, My Sweet (爱人谋杀, 1944)
And Then There Were None (一个都不留, 1945)
Fallen Angel (堕落天使, 1945)
Leave Her to Heaven (难测妇人心, 1945)
Mildred Pierce (欲海情魔, 1945)
Cloak and Dagger (披风与匕首, 1946)
Notorious (美人计, 1946)
The Postman Always Rings Twice (邮差总按两次铃, 1946)
The Spiral Staircase (哑女惊魂记, 1946) *
The Stranger (陌生人, 1946)
Dear Murderer (无中译, 英国, 1947)
Kiss of Death (死吻, 1947)
Odd Man out (虎胆忠魂, 1947)
Rope (夺魂索, 1948)
Secret Beyond the Door (门后的秘密, 1948)
Border Incident (无中译, 美国, 1949)
D.O.A. (无中译, 美国, 1949) *
Obsession (鬼迷心窍, 1949) *
The Reckless Moment (心慌意乱, 1949) *
Stray Dog (野良犬, 日, 1949)
Thieves' Highway (盗贼公路, 1949)
The Third Man (黑狱亡魂, 1949) *
White Heat (白热, 1949)
The Window (无中译, 美国, 1949)
The Asphalt Jungle (夜阑人未静, 1950)
In a Lonely Place (兰闺艳血, 1950)
Seven Days to Noon (正午前七天, 1950)
Union Station (十面埋伏, 1950)
Whirlpool (漩涡, 1950)
M (M就是凶手, 1951)
On Dangerous Ground (危险边缘, 1951) *
Rawhide (浴血边城, 1951)
Strangers on a Train (火车怪客, 1951)
The Tall Target (无中译, 美国, 1951) *
High Noon (日正当中, 1952) *
The Narrow Margin (狭窄边缘, 1952)
The Big Heat (伟大的警察, 1953) *
The Bigamist (重婚者, 1953)
The Hitch-Hiker (搭便车的人, 1953) *
The Man Between (谍网亡魂, 1953)
The Wages of Fear (恐惧的代价, 法, 1953) *
Dial M for Murder (电话情杀案, 1954)
Rear Window (后窗, 1954) *
Suddenly (突然间, 1954)
Bad Day at Black Rock (黑岩喋血记, 1955) *
The Big Combo (大爵士乐队, 1955)
Death of a Cyclist (自行车断魂记, 西班牙, 1955)
Les Diaboliques (浴室情杀案, 法, 1955) *
The Night of the Hunter (猎人之夜, 1955)
Rififi (男人的争斗, 法, 1955) *
The Trouble with Harry (怪尸案, 1955)
Violent Saturday (周末风云, 1955)
While the City Sleeps (无中译, 美国, 1956)
3:10 to Yuma (决战3:10, 1957)
Hell Drivers (四平山龙虎斗, 1957) *
The Long Haul (无中译, 英国, 1957)
Nightfall (雪夜亡魂, 1957)
Cairo Station (铁门车站, 埃及, 1958) *
Elevator to the Gallows (死刑台与电梯, 法, 1958) *
Ice Cold in Alex (恐怖之砂, 1958)
It Happened in Broad Daylight (光天化日之下, 瑞士, 1958)
Stakeout (张込み, 无中译, 日, 1958)
Touch of Evil (历劫佳人, 1958)
Vertigo (迷魂记, 1958) *
Night Train (夜车, 波兰, 1959) *
North by Northwest (北西北, 1959) *
Hell Is a City (无中译, 英国, 1960)
The League of Gentlemen (绅士联盟, 1960)
Psycho (惊魂记, 1960)
Purple Noon (阳光普照, 法, 1960) *
The Thousand Eyes of Dr. Mabuse (马布斯博士的一千只眼, 德, 1960)
The Assassin (情妇谋杀案, 义, 1961)
Cash on Demand (现钱交易, 1961) *
Zero Focus (ゼロの焦点, 无中译, 日, 1961) *
Cape Fear (海角惊魂, 1962) *
Knife in the Water (水中刀, 波兰, 1962) *
The Manchurian Candidate (谍网迷魂, 1962) *
Charade (谜中谜, 1963)
High and Low (天国与地狱, 日, 1963) *
Fail Safe (奇幻核子战, 1964) *
Seven Days in May (五月中的七天, 1964)
Bunny Lake Is Missing (失踪的邦妮, 1965) *
The Collector (蝴蝶春梦, 1965)
The Ipcress File (伊普克雷斯档案, 1965)
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (冷战谍魂, 1965) *
The Battle of Algiers (阿尔及尔之战, 阿尔及利亚, 1966)
Blowup (春光乍泄, 1966)
Seconds (第二生命, 1966)
Trans-Europ-Express (横跨欧洲的快车, 法, 1966)
In the Heat of the Night (恶夜追缉令, 1967)
Point Blank (步步惊魂, 1967)
Wait Until Dark (盲女惊魂记, 1967) *
Army of Shadows (影子部队, 法, 1969)
Ittefaq (无中译, 印度, 1969) *
La Piscine (游泳池, 法, 1969)
This Man Must Die (禽兽该死, 法, 1969)
The Unfaithful Wife (不忠的妻子, 法, 1969)
Z (Z, 阿尔及利亚, 1969) *
Le Boucher (屠夫, 法, 1970) *
The Breach (春光破碎, 法, 1970)
Le Cercle Rouge (红圈, 法, 1970)
The Conformist (同流者, 义, 1970)
Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion (对一个不容怀疑的公民的调查, 义,
1970) *
Dirty Harry (紧急追捕令, 1971)
Duel (飞轮喋血, 1971) *
The French Connection (霹雳神探, 1971) *
Klute (柳巷芳草, 1971) *
See No Evil (碧玉离魂, 1971)
Days of '36 (三六年的岁月, 希腊, 1972)
Deliverance (激流四勇士, 1972) *
The Mattei Affair (企业家之死, 义, 1972)
The Day of the Jackal (豺狼之日, 1973) *
Joshila (无中译, 印度, 1973)
The Long Goodbye (漫长的告别, 1973)
Serpico (冲突, 1973)
The Wicker Man (异教徒, 1973)
Chinatown (唐人街, 1974)
The Conversation (对话, 1974) *
Juggernaut (雷公弹, 1974)
The Parallax View (视差, 1974)
The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (骑劫地下铁, 1974) *
Jaws (大白鲨, 1975)
Night Moves (夜行客, 1975)
The Passenger (过客, 1975) *
Three Days of the Condor (秃鹰72小时, 1975)
All the President's Men (大阴谋, 1976)
Family Plot (大巧局, 1976)
Illustrious Corpses (死因可疑, 义, 1976) *
Obsession (迷情记, 1976)
Black Sunday (最长的星期天, 1977)
Sorcerer (千惊万险, 1977)
Twilight's Last Gleaming (美国最后之日, 1977)
The Demon (鬼畜, 日, 1978)
The Driver (虎口拔牙, 1978)
Eyes of Laura Mars (神秘眼, 1978)
Long Weekend (天劫, 1978)
Cruising (虎口巡航, 1980)
Dressed to Kill (剃刀边缘, 1980)
Blow out (凶线, 1981) *
Body Heat (体热, 1981)
Roadgames (血溅回旋路, 1981)
Southern Comfort (南方的安慰, 1981)
Thief (无中译, 美国, 1981) *
Missing (失踪, 1982)
The Fourth Man (第四个男人, 荷兰, 1983)
WarGames (战争游戏, 1983)
Blood Simple (血迷宫, 1984)
Body Double (替身, 1984)
Jagged Edge (刀锋边缘, 1985)
Runaway Train (灭, 1985) *
To Live and Die in L.A. (惊天大行动, 1985)
The Hitcher (幽灵终结者, 1986)
Manhunter (1987大悬案, 1986)
Fatal Attraction (致命的吸引力, 1987)
House of Games (赌场, 1987)
Frantic (惊狂记, 1988)
Miracle Mile (奇蹟一英里, 1988) *
Shoot to Kill (雪山怒吼大追缉, 1988) *
The Vanishing (神秘失踪, 荷兰, 1988) *
Dead Calm (航越地平线, 1989) *
Monsieur Hire (易先生, 法, 1989)
The Package (谋杀总书记, 1989)
Blue Steel (蓝天使, 1990) *
Narrow Margin (拦截目击者, 1990)
Pacific Heights (地狱来的房客, 1990)
Cape Fear (恐怖角, 1991)
Point Break (惊爆点, 1991)
The Silence of the Lambs (沉默的羔羊, 1991) *
Basic Instinct (第六感追缉令, 1992) *
The Hand That Rocks the Cradle (推动摇篮的手, 1992) *
One False Move (小镇风暴, 1992) *
Patriot Games (爱国者游戏, 1992)
Single White Female (双面女郎, 1992)
Cliffhanger (巅峰战士, 1993)
The Fugitive (绝命追杀令, 1993) *
In the Line of Fire (火线大行动, 1993)
Malice (体热边缘, 1993)
Red Rock West (西部红石镇, 1993)
The Last Seduction (最后的诱惑, 1994)
The River Wild (惊涛骇浪, 1994)
La Ceremonie (仪式, 法, 1995) *
Copycat (凶手就在门外, 1995)
Cry, the Beloved Country (哭泣的大地, 1995)
Devil in a Blue Dress (蓝衣魔鬼, 1995)
Se7en (火线追缉令, 1995)
Bound (惊世狂花, 1996) *
Fargo (冰血暴, 1996)
Ransom (绑票通缉令, 1996)
Tesis (死亡论文, 西班牙, 1996) *
Breakdown (悍将奇兵, 1997) *
Funny Games (大快人心, 奥地利, 1997)
The Game (致命游戏, 1997)
Insomnia (极度失眠, 挪威, 1997) *
Live Flesh (颤抖的欲望, 西班牙, 1997)
Lost Highway (惊狂, 1997)
Open Your Eyes (睁开你的双眼, 西班牙, 1997)
The Spanish Prisoner (西班牙囚犯, 1997)
Switchback (极速杀机, 1997)
Following (跟踪, 1998)
Run Lola Run (萝拉快跑, 德, 1998)
Wild Things (野东西, 1998)
The Color of Lies (谎言的颜色, 法, 1999)
Eyes Wide Shut (大开眼戒, 1999)
Fight Club (斗阵俱乐部, 1999) *
Kaun (无中译, 印度, 1999)
Land of Fear (无中译, 埃及, 1999)
The Talented Mr. Ripley (天才雷普利, 1999)
American Psycho (美国杀人魔, 2000)
Harry, He's Here to Help (哈利,亲爱吾友, 法, 2000) *
Memento (记忆拼图, 2000) *
Merci Pour le Chocolat (谢谢你的巧克力, 法, 2000)
Nine Queens (鬼头鬼脑, 阿根廷, 2000) *
Traffic (天人交战, 2000)
Under the Sand (砂之谜, 法, 2000)
Joy Ride (致命玩笑, 2001)
Killing Mad Dogs (无中译, 伊朗, 2001)
Mulholland Drive (穆荷兰大道, 2001)
Catch Me If You Can (神鬼交锋, 2002)
City of God (无法无天, 巴西, 2002)
Insomnia (针锋相对, 2002)
In the Cut (凶线第六感, 2003) *
Memories of Murder (杀人回忆, 韩, 2003) *
Oldboy (原罪犯, 韩, 2003) *
Stander (无中译, 南非, 2003)
Swimming Pool (池畔谋杀案, 2003)
Cache (隐藏摄影机, 法, 2005) *
Lady Vengeance (亲切的金子, 韩, 2005)
Lemming (旅鼠, 法, 2005)
Paradise Now (天堂此时, 巴勒斯坦, 2005)
Tsotsi (黑帮暴徒, 南非, 2005) *
Black Book (黑书, 荷兰, 2006)
Jindabyne (无中译, 澳洲, 2006)
The Lives of Others (窃听风暴, 德, 2006) *
The Night of the Sunflowers (无中译, 西班牙, 2006) *
Tell No One (沉默猎杀, 法, 2006)
Lust, Caution (色戒, 中, 2007) *
Zodiac (索命黄道带, 2007)
Gangster's Paradise: Jerusalema (无法无天2, 南非, 2008)
The Headless Woman (失忆薇若妮卡, 阿根廷, 2008) *
Transsiberian (消失的旅客, 2008)
About Elly (海滩的那一天, 伊朗, 2009) *
Mother (非常母亲, 韩, 2009)
Sin Nombre (罪恶代码, 墨西哥, 2009)
Buried (活埋, 2010)
Viva Riva! (刚果风云, 刚果, 2010) *
Drive (落日车神, 2011)
Miss Bala (选美小姐, 墨西哥, 2011) *
No One Killed Jessica (无中译, 印度, 2011)
Once Upon a Time in Anatolia (安纳托利亚故事, 土耳其, 2011)
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (谍影行动, 2011)
The Hunt (谎言的烙印, 丹麦, 2012) *
Kahaani (追击枕边谜, 印度, 2012) *
All Is Lost (海上求生记, 2013)
Locke (失控, 2013) *
Omar (奥玛的抉择, 巴勒斯坦, 2013) *
Prisoners (私法争锋, 2013)
Stranger by the Lake (湖畔春光, 法, 2013) *
Gone Girl (控制, 2014)
A Most Wanted Man (谍报风云, 2014)
Nightcrawler (独家腥闻, 2014) *
NH10 (惊魂国道十号, 印度, 2015)
Sicario (怒火边界, 2015) *
Victoria (维多莉亚, 德, 2015) *
The Handmaiden (下女的诱惑, 韩, 2016)
Hell or High Water (赴汤蹈火, 2016)
Nocturnal Animals (夜行动物, 2016)
The Salesman (新居风暴, 伊朗, 2016)
The Shallows (绝鲨岛, 2016)