电影音效剪辑公会金胶卷奖(Golden Reel Awards) 入围名单
最佳剧情片音响效果剪辑 Best Sound Editing: Sound Effects and Foley in a Feature
自由之心 12 Years a Slave
遗落汪洋 All Is Lost
怒海劫 Captain Phillips
玩命关头6 Fast & Furious 6
地心引力 Gravity
哈比人2:荒谷恶龙 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
钢铁人3 Iron Man 3
红翼行动 Lone Survivor
最佳剧情片对白音效剪辑 Best Sound Editing: Dialogue and ADR in a Feature Film
自由之心 12 Years a Slave
瞒天大布局 American Hustle
八月心风暴 August: Osage County
怒海劫 Captain Phillips
地心引力 Gravity
云端情人 Her
醉乡民谣 Inside Llewyn Davis
红翼行动 Lone Survivor
最佳动画剧情片音效剪辑 Best Sound Editing: Sound Effects, Foley, Dialogue and
ADR in an Animation Feature Film
食破天惊2 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2
古鲁家族 The Croods
神偷奶爸2 Despicable Me 2
森林战士 Epic
熊熊遇见小小鼠 Ernest & Celestine
冰雪奇缘 Frozen
怪兽大学 Monsters University
飞机总动员 Planes
最佳剧情纪录片音效剪辑 Best Sound Editing: Sound Effects, Foley, Dialogue, ADR
and Music in a Feature Documentary
聚光灯外二十呎 20 Feet from Stardom
肮脏战争 Dirty Wars
巨星的助理 Good Ol’ Freda
传奇录音室 Muscle Shoals
从灰烬中升起 Rising from Ashes
声音城市 Sound City
最佳外语片音效剪辑 Best Sound Editing: Sound Effects, Foley, Dialogue and ADR
in a Feature Foreign Language Film
蓝色是最温暖的颜色 Blue Is the Warmest Color
一代宗师 The Grandmaster
咎爱 The Past
脚踏车大作战 Wadjda
最佳音乐剧情片音乐声音剪辑 Best Sound Editing: Music in a Musical Feature Film
冰雪奇缘 Frozen
醉乡民谣 Inside Llewyn Davis
小贾斯汀的信仰 Justin Bieber’s Believe
音乐不死 Metallica Through the Never
最佳剧情片音乐声音剪辑 Best Sound Editing: Music in a Feature Film
自由之心 12 Years a Slave
浪人47 47 Ronin
瞒天大布局 American Hustle
地心引力 Gravity
大亨小传 The Great Gatsby
哈比人2:荒谷恶龙 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
曼德拉:漫漫自由路 Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom
末日之战 World War Z
入围名单 http://mpse.org/golden-reel-awards/2014-awards/2014-feature-films/