Fw: [闲聊] 应景分享:Sense8最终集之结婚誓词

楼主: kevin781109 (Kevin)   2019-05-24 20:12:56
※ [本文转录自 EAseries 看板 #1Svzx7Yl ]
作者: kevin781109 (老大) 看板: EAseries
标题: [闲聊] 应景分享:Sense8最终集之结婚誓词
时间: Fri May 24 20:08:37 2019
在本剧最终集,剧中两位角色 Amanita 和跨性别女性 Nomi,在艾菲尔铁塔上举办婚礼。
以下是他们在为彼此戴上戒指前,所发表的结婚誓词英中双语。Sense8 是我最爱的影集
Amanita Caplan:
My love... We live in a world that distrusts feelings.
Over and over, we are reminded that feelings are not as important as reason.
That feelings are childish, irresponsible, dangerous.
We are taught to ignore them, control, or deny them.
We barely understand what they are, where they come from,
or how they seem to understand us better than we understand ourselves.
But I know that feelings matter.
Sometimes, they're little...
like when I smell cinnamon toast and I miss my grandma.
And sometimes, they are huge... like when I found out
my girlfriend shares her thoughts with seven other people around the world.
However, if you're lucky... I mean, really lucky...
a feeling comes along that will change everything.
I remember such a feeling and how it walloped me years ago
when this girl walked into my bookstore.
It is the same feeling that I have right now.
The feeling that this is her. My love. My wife. This is my future.
And I trust this feeling more than I have trusted anything in my life.
Nomi Marks:
Amanita... I wrote this thing like a hundred times and I tore them all up
because I have to admit, I don’t like vows.
I’m afraid of things pretending to be permanent because nothing is permanent.
My life, especially these past two years,
is a testament to the fact that things change, people change.
But with you... that doesn’t scare me. It actually makes me happy.
It makes me excited... because I can think of no better life
than watching Amanita Caplan change... watching her evolve and grow.
I want to see everything that you become.
I want to know what your hair looks like in a year and decades from now.
I may not be a tragically detached French girl,
but I want to live in an attic apartment in Paris
and bring you tea as you write your novel.
And when we’re both wrinkled old ladies, with cellulite covering my ass,
bunions all over your feet, both of us hogging the blankets...
I know I will still remember this moment. I will still be wearing this ring.
Because inside your arms is the only place I’ve ever felt like I was home.
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