thismy (英雄气短儿女情长)
2016-05-11 22:47:42提问:催眠放松与静心之间的差异是什么?
Ques: What is the difference between hypnotic relaxation and meditation?
SriSri: There is a lot of difference. In hypnotic relaxation, your metabolism
goes up by 8%, oxygen consumption rate is higher in hypnosis. In meditation
the oxygen consumption rate goes down by 18%-20%. So your metabolism is less
during meditation. So they are completely opposite. One is going to super
consciousness, another is going to sub-consciousness or unconsciousness. The
difference is physiological. After meditation you feel energetic. After
hypnosis you feel tired, you want to go to sleep. Usually after hypnosis they
let them go to sleep for a bit because you feel tired. And meditation can be
done every day and it can improve your energy level all the time. But
hypnosis you shouldn’t do every day. You can’t do. I’m not saying hypnosis
is bad, it is ok as a therapy. For some time you can use it but not as a
regular spiritual practice. That is not good.