abola (赛)
2016-09-15 07:58:07我很好奇美国人自己是怎么看待这件事的, 就google了一下
Sara Olson, St. Paul, United States, 1 day ago
Obviously, Target did nothing wrong here. Target was not negligent. Zero
liability on Target. Target cannot prevent people from littering. Someone
dropped this needle, and they are responsible. Not Target. Plus, the damages
do not match the verdict. Obviously, the jury was made up of idiots. The
matter will be appealed. (I used to handle liability claims for Target when I
worked at Sedgwick.)
Glen Freeman, tewksbury, United States, 2 days ago
I served on a jury and many jurors become important for the first time in
their lives. In the case I served the plaintiff wanted $30,000-which was
fair. Some jurors wanted to give him over $100,000 which was ridiculous!
这个人说自己是陪审团(应该是另一个案子)的人, 那个案子他觉得$30000差不多,
Dead pool, Minneapolis, United States, 2 days ago
So if I go to Target and just happen to see a syringe laying on the ground in
the parking lot and I pick it up and accidentally stick my self with it I can
get 4.6 million?
他说下次他也要去捡一只针筒来扎一下, 爽赚4.6百万镁
DevonDumplin, Devon, United Kingdom, 2 days ago
So why didn't she calmly ask her daughter to hold her hand still and remove
the needle without swatting at it or was it the simple fact the needle
belonged to her mum anyway?
他觉得原告的处理方式很奇怪, 怀疑这个针筒本来就是原告自己的
※ 引述《vanurd (your grace)》之铭言:
: 原文连结
: http://0rz.tw/pSHrf
: 原文如下
: 美国南卡罗莱纳州安德森郡一名女子,在平价卖场TARGET的停车场被一根皮下注射针头扎
: 到,害她要验爱滋,并立马服用抗爱滋药物,因而须卧床。法官日前做出判决,TARGET必
: 须赔偿她将近1亿5000万元台币。
: 这名妇人盖瑞森(Carla Denise Garrison)前年5月带女儿到TARGET大卖场购物,女儿在
: 停车场好奇捡起一根来源不明的皮下注射针头,她挥手要把针头打掉,结果针头却扎进她
: 手掌。盖瑞森赶紧就医,担心感染爱滋,并服用抗爱滋药物,导致她感到不适,必须卧床
: ,她的丈夫也因此必须向公司请假照顾她。
: 虽然盖瑞森最后检验结果没有感染爱滋和肝炎,但还是请律师打官司,本来只要TARGET赔
: 1.2万美元(约38.4万元台币),以支付医疗费用和工作损失,但TARGET拒绝,只愿赔750
: 美元(约2.4万元台币),协商破局后盖瑞森提起告诉,律师说:“我们试过讲道理,但
: TARGET立场非常强硬。”
: 结果法官周四做出判决,决定TARGET应支付惩罚性赔价460万美元(约1亿4720元台币)。
: 一旦成定局,将是安德森郡最高的官司赔偿金。TARGET已表示将提起上诉。盖瑞森前天表
: 示,这个判决结果让她“喜出望外”。(张翠兰/综合外电报导)
: (本篇图文由《苹果日报》提供)