wegary (wegary)
2014-08-15 22:23:03※ 引述《jimmmy (心不透彻)》之铭言:
: 标题: [新闻] 外媒:中资绕道抢房 激怒台湾人
: 时间: Thu Aug 14 15:41:06 2014
: 1.来源连结:
: http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/business/breakingnews/1081015
: 2.内容:
: 外媒:中资绕道抢房 激怒台湾人
: 2014-08-14 14:26
: 〔本报讯〕外媒报导,越来越多中资绕过台湾法规,大肆抢购台湾房地产,让许多台湾购
: 屋族怒火中烧,同时也令人担心,北京方面正悄悄的扩大对台湾的影响力。
: 《路透社》报导,近年来,大量中资快速涌入许多国家的房市,从雪梨、伦敦到温哥华,
: 台湾也无法幸免。然而,中资涌入台湾房地产,却比其他国家更加敏感。而台湾已经有许
: 多批评声浪指出,政府对中资持有台湾房地产的管制太过宽松。
: 中资来台置产,政府有设下许多限制,其中“543条款”包括中资贷款成数不得超过5成、
: 每年居留期限不得超过4个月、及购屋3年内不得移转。另外,总量管制上,中国人民每年
: 购买的土地上限是13公顷,相当于半个大安森林公园,且购买建筑物不得超过400户。
: 543条款无用 中资绕道买房
: 不过,尽管政府设下“543条款”及“总量管制”,但中资投入台湾房地产的总额持续增
: 加,2014年第一季来台投资不动产的金额就高达4.2亿元,创下单季新高。并且,央行日
: 前在会议中表示,最近发现有中国人士以“信用卡购买预售屋”的方式,绕道买房。由于
: 预售屋并不在中资来台的“543条款”里,因此容易产生漏洞。再者,淡江大学产经系副
: 教授庄孟翰有指出,中资透过境外公司及人头来台投资,已经是公开的秘密,实际购买金
: 额远远超过政府公布的数字。
: 内政部资深官员向路透社记者表示,政府已经采取措施,限制中国人士购买太多住宅,若
: 中国人士不依法照办,政府无法阻止,但他们就必须自行承担可能丧失已购住宅的风险。
: 中资涌入 台北房价攀升
: 有些台湾民众认为,自亲中的马英九总统上任以来,房价不断高涨,台湾人根本买不起,
: 且马总统不断试图说服台湾人,签订两岸贸易条款、与中国经济结合有许多好处。房仲业
: 者表示,过去10年间,中资不断涌入台湾房市,台北房价已经上涨近200%。
: 台北市一位40岁的公务员表示,“若陆客进场,我们将毫无机会买房。会不会发展到最后
: ,住在台湾的根本不是台湾人,而是中国人?”
: 房仲业者表示,现行的法规仍存有漏洞,让中资有机可乘。中资通常透过台湾的生意伙伴
: 买房,或利用外资计画来掩护,使政府很难对其采取阻止的动作。第一太平戴维斯公司资
: 深经理丁玟甄也指出,“多数中资都绕经别处,再进入台湾,政府只盯住最后一道门。许
: 多资金都在台面下运作。”
: 台湾信义房屋研究与发展经理表示,要台湾政府来修正这项问题是不可能的,可行的做法
: 就是设立限制,规定所有中国人每年购屋的上限;如此一来,至少能够避免中资大举涌入
: 台湾房市的困境。
: 3.心得或感想:
: 真的有这回事阿??????
: → dianna72: 话说,中资来台买房仲应该笑呵呵赚饱饱吧 08/14 18:07
: 推 ceca: 中资买的并不多,房价不是他们吵的. 08/14 18:36
: → ceca: 但是中资...台湾是三小,党的了一天,党不了10年. 08/14 18:36
: 嘘 hermanwing: 外媒很关心不是他们国家的事 08/14 19:26
: → realakito: 果然是自由的新闻... 08/14 20:26
: → realakito: 估计路透社的原文应该和自由的翻译有一定差距 08/14 20:32
: 推 fishbliss: 竹北表示: 08/14 21:54
路透社 原文如下...
Anger flares as mainland Chinese muscle in on Taiwan property
By Yimou Lee and Faith Hung
TAIPEI Tue Aug 12, 2014 8:52pm EDT
(Reuters) - Mainland Chinese are skirting rules aimed at limiting their
purchases of property in Taiwan, stirring anger among local home buyers
and fuelling worries over Beijing's creeping influence over an island
that it views as a renegade province.
While Chinese money has boosted property markets across the world - from
Sydney and London to Vancouver - mainland capital flows into the self-ruled
island are an especially emotive issue for many Taiwanese. The government
in Taipei has been criticized by some for not being more restrictive on
mainland ownership of Taiwanese real estate.
Fuelling fears of further encroachment by Beijing is a review of a
cross-strait trade deal next month. In March, hundreds of students occupied
Taiwan's legislature for more than three weeks to protest against the
trade pact.
Relations between Beijing and the island have see-sawed between aggression,
attempts at rapprochement and occasional snubs ever since Chiang Kai-shek's
Nationalists lost a civil war to Mao Zedong's Communist forces in 1949 and
fled to Taiwan. Six decades later, dealings with the mainland are still
widely viewed with mistrust and suspicion, especially when they involve
mainland acquisitions of assets on Taiwan.
A senior official of Taiwan's interior ministry, Shih Ming-shih, told
Reuters that the government had imposed measures to limit Chinese from
buying too many homes as such a move "would jeopardize our national security
or economic development".
"If people do not apply legally, there is no way we can stop that, but
they have to bear the risk of losing the properties they bought," Shih
said in a warning to would-be violators.
Some Taiwanese feel priced out of the property market at a time when the
government of China-friendly President Ma Ying-jeou is trying to convince
them of the advantages of closer economic integration with the mainland
through the cross-strait trade pact.
"If mainlanders are in the market we don't even have a chance. What if,
in the end, those who live in Taiwan aren't Taiwanese but Chinese?" said
Melissa Hu, a 40-year-old public servant in Taipei.
Some property agents said loopholes that allow mainland buyers to get
around restrictions make it difficult for Taiwan to take meaningful action.
"It's impossible for the Taiwan government to fix it. The best it can do
is to set up a limit on how many houses Chinese can buy each year," said
Stanley Su, research and development manager at Sinyi Realty Co in Taipei.
"That way, it can at least avoid a situation where massive inflows of
Chinese investment go to Taiwan's property market."
Money from mainland China has helped drive home prices in Taipei up almost
200 percent in the past decade, according to property agents.
Taiwan imposes strict rules on Chinese home buyers including restrictions
on quick re-sales and background checks to exclude people with links to the
Communist Party and People's Liberation Army.
But many mainland investors have found ways around those barriers, usually
by buying homes through Taiwanese business partners or using overseas
investment schemes to mask their activity, agents and industry watchers said.
While the number of individual mainland buyers is small - Taiwan allows
only 400 flats to be sold to mainland Chinese each year - it is clear that
more mainland capital is flowing in.
Government figures show Chinese have bought 160 properties valued at T$2.3
billion ($76.6 million) since Taiwan allowed mainland capital to invest in
real estate in 2002.
Many industry watchers and agents say, however, that those numbers are
In just one transaction two years ago, a Taipei-based real estate attorney
said he helped a Chinese state-owned steel company buy land worth T$580
million under the name of a Taiwanese shareholder.
The deal, concluded in Hong Kong, was recorded as a domestic transaction
and surpassed the T$530 million in mainland property investment reported
by Taiwan's government from 2002 to 2011.
"Transactions under the table would be at least 10 times more than what
we see on the table," said the attorney, who declined to be identified due
to the sensitivity of the matter.
"Most mainland investments detour through somewhere else in order to enter
Taiwan, which is quite mysterious and makes it hard to trace where those
overseas companies are really from," said Erin Ting, senior research manager
at property consultancy Savills.
Some places where mainland investors set up overseas subsidiaries before
entering Taiwan include Hong Kong, Singapore and British Virgin Islands (BVI), some agents said.
"The government only looks at the very last door of the money flows,"
Ting said. "It's likely that many are from mainland China but it's all
under the table so no one would say it out loud."
Wu Zhongxian, commercial property assistant manager at property agency H&B
Business Group, said mainland investors were eyeing hotels and retail shops
in popular tourist areas as Taiwan allowed more Chinese individual tourists
to visit.
"It takes them 1.5 to two years if they follow government rules," Wu said.
"So they buy via BVI firms or through a particular person in the company."
Beijing-based developer Vantone Real Estate, the first mainland developer
to enter Taiwan's market in 2011 by setting up an associate company in
Singapore, said 40 percent of its 294 high-end flats in Taipei had been
sold to mainland Chinese buyers by July of this year.
"Many Chinese clients are longing for Taiwan," said Kidd Lin, sales manager
at Vantone International Development Ltd. "Taiwan offers a lifestyle that
Chinese middle class are most looking forward to."
Many Chinese are attracted to Taiwan thanks to a similar language and culture.
Vantone's large, high-end apartments just 30 minutes from the center of
Taipei sell for between T$30 million and T$100 million.
Other mainland developers, including Fujian-based Yuzhou Properties,
are planning to follow Vantone into the Taiwanese market.
Vantone's Taipei project - the first large-scale home sales to mainland
Chinese - may, however, be subject to strict government scrutiny and it
remains to be seen how many flat sales will be approved to mainland Chinese
as local elections approach, several industry watchers said.
"It's sensitive timing. We want to stay low-key," said Lana Xie, founder
of a Beijing-based real estate agency that targets individual Chinese buyers
for Taiwanese residential property.
Xie said transactions had doubled in the first half of this year, with most
Chinese buyers chasing "holiday homes" in southern Taiwanese cities.
"It's really not easy for Chinese to buy a property in Taiwan," Xie said.
"That's why owning a Taiwan house is really something Chinese can show off
to everyone."
(Additional reporting by James Zhang and Clare Jim; Editing by Anne Marie
Roantree, Stephen Coates and Ryan Woo)
※ 编辑: wegary (, 08/15/2014 22:24:38