ypeter (!!)
2019-10-26 12:52:40※ 引述《brokenmemory (呣)》之铭言:
: 先说结论 小弟在澳洲 想换车很久了 最近看到 infiniti有近半价出清
: 原因是要从澳洲撤厂了
: 价钱初略查了一下,感觉很划算 对本身对这个品牌不了解,目前对QX70目有兴
: 趣的。不知道毛病会不会很多,或是有什么小毛病需要维修的?
: 主要是撤厂之后就要去外面修,不知道会不会是一笔大开销,如果妥善率高的话
: 真的满心动的!
: 1. Manufacturers RRP for new QX80 was $124,860, current advertised driveway
: price including metallic paint is $94,888, total saving is $29,927 which
: equates to a 24% saving. 台币约197万
: 2. Manufacturers RRP for new QX70 3.7 Litre GT models was $84,273, current
: driveway price excluding metallic paint is $46,888, total saving is $37,385
: which equates to a 44% saving. 台币约97万
: 3. Manufacturers RRP for new Q60 2.0 Litre Pure models was $71,122, current
: driveway price excluding metallic paint is $44,888, total saving is $26,234
: which equates to a 36% saving. 台币约93万
: 4. Manufacturers RRP for new Q50 2.0 Litre Pure models was $61,105, current
: driveway price excluding metallic paint is $36,888, total saving is $24,218
: which equates to a 39% saving. LMCT11798 台币约76万
: https://www.infiniticentrebrighton.com.au/local-offers/
之前q30停产消息不断传出 这是确定的吗?
这牌子在台湾一年真的卖不到几台 说不定比保时捷还少
最近有在考虑这家的车 但是想到未来撒出台湾就有点担心