这台Model S改装了HRE铝圈、半热融胎、陶煞、尾翼、KW悬吊
Since everyone keeps asking me about my take on Tesla's Lap Record attempt or
it allegedly already beating the Porsche Taycan here are my 2 cents:
First if all, I haven't timed it, because I am busy with some other things at
this point. So I cannot say if the claimed 20 sec faster time is legit.
Then, nobody knows what model specification exactly is currently running on th
e Ring. Yes, on the outside it is a Model S. On the badge it is a P100D+. On t
he speculation it is a dev car for a so-called "Plaid" version.
All I can say is that HRE wheels, semi-slick tyres, massive carbon ceramic Big
Brake Kit, and a DIY-wing don't sound stock to me. Apparently the car is also
running a full KW suspension. On one of the pictures you can also see the duc
t tape "door handle" which may suggest the original mechanism has been removed
for weight saving and what else not? And obviously God knows what actual powe
r output the car is running.
Now, if these mods will end up on the actual production vehicle is one and coo
l thing. But those fancy extras cannot go in the books as "minor safety equipm
ent for the N槀burgring", like usually is being done with the cage and bucket
I hope that there will be a full mod list reveal of the record car and the act
ual production version.
But if it beats the Taycan's time and it is legit, I will be only more excited
for the Taycan MR by Manthey-Racing.
Thank you for the pictures Florian Schmitz!