Purchase Price = 车价
Financing = 贷款利息
Tax, Title, and License = 牌照税
Insurance = 保险费
Fuel/Electricity = 油费/电费
Maintenance/Repairs = 维修保养费
Total = 五年总花费
Resale Value = 五年剩余车价
Total = 五年总花费减去剩余车价
Cost Per Mile = 开一英里所需费用
We’ve updated our 5-year cost of ownership study comparing a Tesla Model 3 to
a Toyota Camry. The comparison gives us a look at how the Model 3 cost compar
es to a mass-market sedan. The original study from 2017 can be found温ere.
In 2017, our model concluded that while the Model 3 value proposition was weig
hed down by a 40% sale price premium, it would end up costing 13% more to own
and operate over 5 years than a Toyota Camry LE.
In 2019, we found the purchase price gap has widened to 59% ($35k Model 3 has
not come to fruition), but the cost of ownership gap has also widened to 18% f
rom 13%.
Importantly, factoring in the澑esale value漑f the two vehicles (benefit of an
EV is their ability to retain value), the Model 3 becomes 5% cheaper on a cost
per mile basis.
The bottom line: Model 3 is a superior car (electric, safer, Autopilot) compar
ed to a Camry, and is slightly cheaper to own and operate over 5 years.
Average all-in cost per mile for a Model 3 is $0.46, compared to the Camry LE
at $0.49, and Audi A5 at $0.80.
Here are the notable changes from the previous model:
The Model 3 purchase price increased. Our previous model anticipated a $35K Mo
del 3 would be in the market, which hasn’t came to fruition. The entry-level
Model 3 today is $38,900.
The Camry LE price was essentially unchanged.
We’re now factoring in resale value in our model.
Gas prices increased 16% since our 2017 study. We continue to expect a 5% annu
al increase.
Model 3 insurance is lower by 9%.
We are shifting to a finance option. Previously we used a lease option. This s
lightly and uniformly increased interest payments for each car.
Luxury Status
As the Model 3 is still considered to be a luxury sedan, we compared it to ano
ther luxury vehicle of similar cost. When compared to an Audi A5, the Model 3
was 12% cheaper upfront but over 5 years is 32% cheaper to operate (42% cheape
r with resale value included). While we still believe the Model 3 has the perk
s of a luxury vehicle, it’s evident that it can maintain those features at a
significantly lower cost.
Cost of Insurance
The cost difference between insuring a Tesla Model 3 and a Camry LE is less th
an you might think. The average cost per year of insuring a Tesla Model 3 is $
1,128 today, while the average cost to insure a Camry LE is $1,212. Research s
uggests that Tesla Model 3s are categorized by insurance companies as luxury v
ehicles, while the Camry LE is not. Our estimates show that the first two year
s of insurance will run you about $100 a month, with the third and fourth year
dropping to $90 a month. This price reduction is correlated with Tesla’s rum
ored internal insurance program which is projected to begin this summer in Nor
th America, as it has already launched in both Australia and China. The goal w
ith Tesla’s insurance program is to match rates of the lowest competitor. We
predict that the price to insure a Camry over the next 5 years will increase a
t a rate of 0.5%. Based on our model, we predict the average difference in ins
urance costs over a 5-year ownership span to be $420 less for a Tesla than a C
The car insurance game itself is a data operation and there just isn’t enough
current data on Tesla to justify the low insurance costs they should receive
based on their safety ratings. We see this transformation happening in two way
s; insurance companies who see the value in Tesla’s safety rating and lower t
heir rate accordingly, and Tesla owners beginning to use Tesla’s branded insu
Looking to the Future
We believe that our model is conservative and that there is still room for the
Model 3 to become even cheaper to own. We decided not to include the US EV ta
x credit due to the fact that it will be phased out completely by the end of t
his year. However, there is an opportunity for new incentives to be introduced
. We believe Tesla will shed its status as a premium luxury vehicle that is co
ntributing to higher insurance and financing rates. As EV ownership grows and
there is more data on their cost, we expect the long-term value proposition to
shine through.
在美国买车养车五年后,如果卖掉,实际五年的花费 Model 3 比原车价便宜一万镁以上
的 Camry 还省。如果套在台湾,156万的 Model 3 五年花费应该跟130万的各种油电车有
Model 3 真的没什么保养费用,