[新闻] Tesla Model 3 被高速追撞

楼主: Scape (non)   2018-05-30 23:39:48
简单的说,某车主在论坛中贴上他的 Model 3 被高速追撞之后的模样
From there I lose control of the car, and the car spins out of control,
hitting the freeway divider wall all the way on the other side of the freeway
4 lanes across, and then bouncing back all the way back to the other side of
the freeway and hitting that wall before coming to a stop.
有目击者表示,是一辆 Camaro SS 跟一辆 BMW M3 在路上赛车所导致
Tesla Model 3 owner says vehicle ‘performed miraculously’ in high-speed
rear-end crash, all occupants are safe
We have yet to see the results of third-party crash tests for the Tesla Model
3, but some owner reports of accidents are giving some insights into the
safety performance of the new electric vehicle.
A Model 3 was recently rear-ended at high-speed and the owner says that it ‘
performed miraculously’ – leaving his family of four safe.
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The early Model 3 owner known as ‘Anatari’ shared the story of the crash
and the picture of the aftermath above on the Tesla Motors Club forum:
Was cruising along the i-90 tunnel in Seattle, WA on mercer island with my
wife and 2 kids, when I hear some vehicles approach at high speed from
behind. Then suddenly I hear a screeching sound from a car breaking hard, and
then a car slams into my rear end – hard. I was going 65, so that vehicle
must have been going significantly faster. From there I lose control of the
car, and the car spins out of control, hitting the freeway divider wall all
the way on the other side of the freeway 4 lanes across, and then bouncing
back all the way back to the other side of the freeway and hitting that wall
before coming to a stop.
He elaborated on the safety performance of the Model 3:
Thankfully the model 3 performed miraculously, crumple zones compressed,
airbags deployed, no fire after the accident, and no one in my family seems
to be seriously injured.
Someone claimed to have been a witness to the accident and said that it was
caused by a Camaro and BMW racing on the public road:
The owner said yesterday that he would ask Tesla for video from the Autopilot
camera in order to try to confirm it.
While Tesla’s Autopilot cameras do save images in the event of a crash, it’
s not something that is currently available to owners, but Tesla is
reportedly working on a dashcam feature using its Autopilot cameras.
作者: GarfieldCxT (本多)   2018-05-30 23:41:00
就说不要买M3 操控性不如马3 开马3就不会这样了
作者: m996360 (怀特先生)   2018-05-30 23:42:00
作者: nctudaniel (daniel)   2018-05-30 23:55:00
作者: coox (小裤)   2018-05-30 23:56:00
作者: goodevening (小玮柏)   2018-05-31 00:02:00
电动车真的硬 撞击比较大的问题就只剩电池起火
作者: knml (法师)   2018-05-31 00:18:00
作者: matyih (mat)   2018-05-31 00:24:00
作者: IamBuki (唉就是无聊)   2018-05-31 01:25:00
车门要像这样可以开才安全 有些车有撞击防车门六角锁卡死
作者: preisner (ppp)   2018-05-31 07:53:00
车室空间看来完全没挤压到, 给推
作者: Beakhsu (两个儿子的爸爸)   2018-05-31 09:10:00
作者: david8339 (david8339)   2018-05-31 09:23:00
作者: tomap41017 (绝梦)   2018-05-31 09:26:00
作者: Killercat (杀人猫™)   2018-05-31 09:53:00
IIHS有在盯的常见车应该都不错... iihs不好 保费飙高对于保险基本金额本来就很高的美国来讲 很不利
作者: eipduolc (松尾健太)   2018-05-31 09:56:00
作者: JEON (果然是乡民的世界)   2018-05-31 11:10:00
作者: Beakhsu (两个儿子的爸爸)   2018-05-31 12:18:00
作者: melic ( )   2018-05-31 12:57:00
作者: twentyone (black jack)   2018-05-31 13:01:00
作者: JEON (果然是乡民的世界)   2018-05-31 13:05:00
教主也没买阿 他比我还执著吧 XD 不过AP1就不是特斯拉吗 ?
作者: Beakhsu (两个儿子的爸爸)   2018-05-31 13:24:00
AP1 无法对应静止车辆,这个车主应该都知道才对AP1的车,撞了静止车辆,车主只能鼻子摸著吃下全责...技术不太相同啦,要讲得开一篇讲...AP1不是不好,是旧了AP2目前对应静止车辆,但是不对应静止非车辆障碍不过AP2好处是还有软件升级空间,未来还是可以增加功能
作者: vizjeco (Placebo)   2018-05-31 15:24:00
硬帮帮 赞
作者: HaHaPoint (笑点)   2018-05-31 15:51:00
马3 M3 Model3 谁是得到M3的名称?
作者: abcd551405 (LA的生活~)   2018-05-31 16:29:00
所以到底是M3还是M4跟camaro 赛车啊
作者: DDD2002 ( What IF)   2018-05-31 16:42:00
作者: RANCE624 (灯泡)   2018-05-31 20:34:00
作者: ghjkl5566 (56不能王)   2018-06-01 03:16:00
作者: yuinghoooo (KiXeon)   2018-06-02 22:33:00

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