Scape (non)
2018-04-04 00:29:26原文连结:
Chevy Bolt EV sales slowly get back to normal – no sign of production increase
As expected, Chevy Bolt EV sales in the US have dropped significantly in 2018
after a record end of 2017.
正如预期的那样,2017年结束后,2018年美国的Chevy Bolt EV销量大幅下降
Now, sales of the all-electric vehicle are slowly going back toward its
normal ~2,000 units per month as there is still no sign of the promised
production increase.
现在,Bolt 的销量正慢慢缓升至去年的一般状况~一个月两千辆,且没有迹象显示产量上升
Last month, GM CEO announced that they are increasing Chevy Bolt EV
production, but she didn’t elaborate on how significant an increase it will
上个月,GM CEO宣布他们正在增加 Bolt 的产能,但他并没有说增加多少。
GM says that it delivered about 26,000 units globally last year – the vehicle
’s first full year of production. A few hundred units went to Canada and a
few more in Europe, but the bulk of the deliveries were in the US.
It was about in line with expectations of a production capacity of 25,000 to
30,000 units for the Chevy Bolt EV.
这跟Bolt 被预期有年产 25000 ~ 30000 辆的产能相符。
But now deliveries dropped significantly in the US in 2018 and are slowly
climbing back up as GM confirmed today having delivered 1,774 Bolt EVs in
交付了1,774辆 Bolt EV。
Here’s a chart of Chevy Bolt EV deliveries per month in the US since the
start of production in 2016:
下图是 Bolt 自从2016年开始生产后在美国的每月销量:
It’s still a significant increase over the same month last year. However,
the low levels of sales in early 2017 were attributed to production
constraints as the company was ramping up production at its Orion plant in
Michigan and its important partner, LG, was ramping up production of its
electric powertrain components in Korea.
与去年同月相比,仍有显著增长。 然而,2017年初的低销量归因于产能限制,
Aside from the few hundred units per month going to Canada and Europe, the
Detroit-based automaker also confirmed plans to deliver 5,000 units in South
Korea this year, which could explain the plan to increase production.
不知不觉 Bolt 也上市一年多了
以续航里程来说,比 Leaf(二代)要好很多,甚至比入门版的 Model 3 还要好上一些些
不晓得是 GM 根本无心卖这辆车呢? 还是 Bolt 不对美国消费者的胃口
拿 bolt跟model 3比 就太高估bolt了 两者定位不同买电车{bolt,volt,prius,leaf}是为了减税省油走高乘载买Model3是因为它又便宜又快(4.6sec) 可以通勤可飙车