[情报] 把Tesla Model S P100D电池拆了之后发现

楼主: Scape (non)   2017-01-25 16:09:48
这些电池规格还是18650,而以后Model 3将会采用2170电池
之前这位车主Jason Hughes拆下85电池时发现其实可用容量只有77kWh,总容量是81kWh
“The battery pack in Model S is designed to meet everyday driving needs
as well as provide long range for road trips. The total available energy
from a battery depends greatly on conditions and can vary based on
factors such discharge rate and temperature. It is very difficult to
replicate the exact discharge profile at home to extract the maximum
available energy in a battery pack.”
....因为条件的不同.... 在家测量精确的放电曲线得到最大容量是非常困难的....
另外这位Jason Hughes打算把这个100电池模组装到自己的Model X P90D上面升级
(这家伙有好多Tesla,至少有Model S P85D、P100D、Model X P90D )
Teardown of new 100 kWh Tesla battery pack reveals new cooling system and
102 kWh capacity
After a teardown of Tesla’s since discontinued 85 kWh battery pack,
long-time Tesla owner and battery tinkerer Jason Hughes was the first to
bring up the fact that Tesla’s packs don’t always have the same
capacity as advertised. He found that the 85 kWh battery pack actually
only had a capacity of up to 81 kWh and ~77 kWh usable capacity.
Hughes got his hands a 100 kWh battery pack and did another teardown to
reveal Tesla’s new cooling system and that it doesn’t have the same
capacity as advertised. Though this time, it’s a higher capacity: 102.4
As we reported last month, Hughes cracked Tesla’s battery management
system and reveal all the real total capacity and usable capacity of each
of Tesla’s battery pack except for the 100 kWh, which he didn’t have
access to at the time.
Now he has one after buying what could be the first salvaged Tesla Model
S P100D, which ultimately is what enabled the first teardown of the new
battery pack.
When Tesla first unveiled the 100 kWh battery pack in August, the company
said that the higher energy density was enabled through several
improvements, like a new module and pack architecture, new cooling system
and electronics. CTO JB Straubel described the upgrade as a “significant
Hughes’ teardown of the pack revealed that the new modules have 516
cells for a total of 8,256 cells per pack. That’s a ~16% increase over
the number of cells in the 85/90 kWh packs.
In a blog post, Hughes describes the new module and cooling architecture:
Basically they crammed a couple more rows of cells into the module. But
what about the rumors around cooling? Well, they did modify the cooling,
but not in any exotic way. The new modules simply have two shorter and
thinner cooling loops per module. This way the coolant doesn’t have to
run past so many cells before exiting.
And he shared a few pictures (the one on the left is a comparison of a
module from a 85 kWh pack (top) vs a module from a 100 kWh (bottom)):
Though the most interesting fact to come out of the teardown is
undoubtedly that even though Tesla usually rounds up the capacity of its
packs, the “100 kWh” is the exception. Hughes says that the BMS
indicates 98.4 kWh of usable capacity plus a 4 kWh buffer for a total of
102.4 kWh.
While it introduces a new module and cooling architecture, the outside of
the pack remains mostly unchanged, which is why Tesla offers it as an
upgrade to other performance versions of the Model S and X. Hughes
described the upgrade process as “plug-and-play for the most part”.
It’s good for him since he is himself going to use the pack in another
car – his Model X P90D that will become a P100D. The guy has so many
Tesla battery packs right now that he is playing musical chair with them
and his Teslas.
It’s also interesting to better understand the 100 kWh pack considering
that Tesla CTO JB Straubel said that it was sort of a test bed for the
third generation battery pack that will be used in the Model 3:
“Some of the key improvements that enabled the new pack are directly on
the roadmap for the technologies that make Model 3 possible.”
Of course, the Model 3’s pack will also feature the new 2170 battery
cells produced at the Gigafactory while the 100 kWh pack still uses the
18650 format, but new cooling and module system could still make it to
the Model 3.
作者: Howard1984 (跟乡民认真,你就真的输了)   2017-01-25 16:24:00
作者: DYE (跟脑残争最后都会变脑残.)   2017-01-25 16:30:00
作者: ghjkl5566 (56不能王)   2017-01-25 16:31:00
作者: a9564208 (YOU OUT!!)   2017-01-25 16:36:00
作者: ghjkl5566 (56不能王)   2017-01-25 16:40:00
喔喔 连软件都自己弄的话真的就是轨道车的概念了
作者: bitlife (BIT一生)   2017-01-25 16:41:00
这人该不会是其他车厂负责反向工程的员工? XD
作者: ckping (教练 我想当坏人)   2017-01-25 16:48:00
会不会装不上去啊?XD 电池量不同 尺寸也不同了
作者: dixieland999 (迪西兰)   2017-01-25 17:34:00
作者: qazwsx6107 (Green.pn)   2017-01-25 17:40:00
作者: Howard1984 (跟乡民认真,你就真的输了)   2017-01-25 17:48:00
作者: sysop5566 (批踢踢半熟手)   2017-01-25 17:53:00
作者: nctufish (暂 别 校 园)   2017-01-25 17:53:00
作者: miayao417 (mia)   2017-01-25 17:58:00
作者: Cervelo1995 (........)   2017-01-25 18:12:00
作者: lll156k1529 (吃鸡腿)   2017-01-25 18:13:00
作者: DYE (跟脑残争最后都会变脑残.)   2017-01-25 18:17:00
一个大的就是专用 很多小的就通用 越通用成本越低
作者: YJM1106 (YM)   2017-01-25 18:22:00
作者: Sunal (SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS)   2017-01-25 18:40:00
作者: Killercat (杀人猫™)   2017-01-25 18:49:00
而且多次实验证明小型分布式电源优点很多包含初始成本 维修成本 以及损坏隔离都是强项缺点就是得砸大把钞票去搞电池管理系统 不过看起来这个投资报酬率还不错的
作者: rojin (rojin)   2017-01-25 21:31:00
作者: ck940560 (しけ)   2017-01-25 22:16:00
作者: endless0121 (囚鸟不要开招 开招时机?2)   2017-01-26 03:41:00
车子被拆 看了蓝瘦香菇 QQ
作者: tabris1 (道道道)   2017-01-26 06:09:00
作者: molsmopuim (超硬)   2017-01-26 10:45:00
作者: henrylin8086 (小木)   2017-01-26 13:09:00
作者: yongx13 (Fenix)   2017-01-26 13:46:00
作者: callTM (TMD)   2017-01-28 08:43:00

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