这是原文版: The world is a different place when it's cold like that. The drunks in our town ended their sad lives early. They passed out in snowbanks at three in the morning and froze to death. You don't go outside casually when it's forty below. On first breath, the arid desert air constricts your lungs. Ice forms on your eyelashes and they stick together. Long hair, wet from the shower, freezes solid and then stands on end wraith-like of its own accord later in a warm house, when it thaws bone dry, charged with electricity. Children only put their tongues on steel playground equipment once. Smoke from house chimneys doesn’t rise. Defeated by the cold, it drifts downwards, and collects like fog on snow-covered rooftops and yards. Cars must be plugged in at night, their engines warmed by block heaters, or oil will not flow through them in the morning, and they won’t start. 简体中文版: 当温度如此之低的时候,世界就成了另外一副模样。这时一旦醉倒在室外,就会被冻死, 因此镇上的酒鬼们都很短命。 零下40摄氏度,你没法随意出门散步,寒冷干燥的空气会让你的肺部收缩,睫毛结冰, 没吹干的头发也会被冻得直立起来。 把舌头粘在游乐园铁质设备上的蠢行,小孩子们只要尝试一次,之后就再也不敢做第 二次。烟囱里冒出的烟会因为寒冷的压迫而向下飘动,最后像雾一样弥散在房顶和院子 里。 汽车引擎在夜里需要用加热器保温,否则汽油被冻住之后第二天车子会完全无法启动 这里: Long hair, wet from the shower, freezes solid and then stands on end wraith-like of its own accord later in a warm house, when it thaws bone dry, charged with electricity. 没吹干的头发也会被冻得直立起来。 这里好像漏翻了很多-.- 我尝试自己翻一下: 淋浴弄湿的长发会结冻,当你进入温暖的房间时发尾会自顾自地像女鬼一样乱翘, 当发丝彻底干燥的时候,则会充满静电。 现在看翻译书都没啥信心,为了不想被译者唬弄 -.-