※ 引述《iceranger (iceranger)》之铭言:
: as title
: from TA
: https://tinyurl.com/msu26vpd
: 里面建议今年5/20前
: 把想买的游戏或是DLC买一买
: 要倒了……
它后来有更新 但让人更困惑了
A Microsoft spokesperson said: "This message was posted in error, and we can
confirm the Xbox 360 marketplace will not close in May 2023. As a reminder,
beginning on February 7th, 2023, a limited set of games, add-ons, and in-game
content will no longer be purchasable in select markets via the Xbox 360
然后从2/7开始 将会提醒是哪些内容不再提供购买?