Phil在这篇Wired的报导解答了一些关于Project Scorpio的疑问
如果你想有HDR加持效果与4K蓝光播放,你可以买今年的Xbox One S,
如果你想要4K游戏与高阶VR,你可以等待明年假期,强化效能的Project Scorpio,
We’re going to have versions of those games that will work on Xbox One and
Xbox One S, as well as supporting Scorpio
游戏都将会支援Xbox One、Xbox One S当然还有Scorpio
The capability to build a game that actually takes advantage of different
hardware capabilities is part of any third-party dev ecosystem, or anybody who
’s targeting Windows and console at the same time
而微软推出Project Scorpio是为了追赶4K与VR科技,并不意味着这种推出提高性能主机
“Consumer expectation is that, if you wanted to, you could go buy a new cell
phone every year. I don’t want to get into that mode with a console,”
Spencer says. “I see the next inflection point as 4K, and I want to make
sure we have a console there to support that, and Scorpio will do that. We’
re not on a hardware tick-tock that says I need to put out a console every
two years or every one year to get people to upgrade. That’s not the console
而根据Phil,Project Scorpio的6 TFlops等硬件能力是根据实际去访谈4K游戏的开发者
“When we went out and talked to VR developers,” Spencer says, “the
capability and the hardware spec that they need to deliver a console-like
experience to VR was a requirement of 6 teraflops, which clearly, today’s
consoles—PlayStation 4 and Xbox One—don’t have.”
显然现今的主机PS4与Xbox One没有这能力。”
“The truth is, a console that can run a 2-D version of Doom or Fallout
today, which a PS4 and Xbox One can, is not going to be able to do a
stereoscopic, high-framerate version of those games,” he says. “We don’t
want to force VR into a middle ground between the scale that we see in
mobile, and what our customers [expect].” So even though future Xbox games
will be compatible with all the Xbox One systems, the VR games will likely be
“事实是,目前一个能运行2D版的Doom与Fallout,如PS4、Xboox One可以。是无法
Xbox One系统,但VR游戏将能像是Scorpio独占”
“The best place for VR innovation is the PC,” Spencer says. “I think
developers should still go focus on the PC, because I think that’s a great
place to innovate. What we’re doing… is we’re able to take some of the PC
innovation that we see… and bring it to the console space, to enable those
magical experiences on Scorpio when it launches.”