[情报] 12/3 Q&A

楼主: WillieHuang (Willie)   2014-12-04 01:27:46
- SerB states he cannot comment on the company monetary policy of tying the
prices to USD (SS: a player was complaining about price increases on RU
server, caused by sharp ruble drop compared to USD)
SerB 无法评论公司将价格跟美元绑定的财经政策
- SerB states that the three caliber rule is not a myth, it works
- T37 hitpoints are given by “complex of characteristics” (a balance
T37 的血量是平衡用的数据
- more lowtier Soviet tanks are not planned for now, it’s possible some will
be released as some sort of reward/event tank
- Storm states that he’s aware that patch 9.5 doesn’t have that much
content, but at least there will be some lag and freeze fixes, along with the
RAM and GPU memory use fixes, that will come as well
Storm 知道 9.5 没太多内容;但至少修正了一些延迟和定格的问题,还有内存的使用
- Havok will not come in 9.5, the deadlines have been missed
9.5 没有 Havok
- Storm consider FPS drops in the game more serious than average FPS in
general, that’s why they focused on those in 9.5
Storm 认为 FPS 陡降的问题比平均 FPS 还重要,所以 9.5 针对它修正
- the FV215b 183 changes consist of mobility nerf, but turret armor buff
FV215b (183) 砍机动、增砲塔装甲
- there will not be any compensation for the FV215b 183 changes
- the minimap in 9.5 KTTS video looks odd, because the video was made “using
the old version”
9.5 ASAP 影片里的小地图很怪,因为“是用旧版本”
- the new minimap has higher performance than its XVM equivalent, makes the
FPS drop only a little, although Storm notes that for final result a test on
many PC’s is needed
新版小地图效能上比 XVM 的要好,只会降低一点点 FPS;但 Storm 表示还是需要大量的
- the tank names on minimap (size-wise) will be “XVM standard” (SS: I don’
t use that, so I can’t tell)
新小地图车辆名称的字体大小是用“XVM 标准”
- the changes on Mountain Pass are apparently, mild: “a bush was removed for
显然 Mountain Pass 只做稍微更动,“例如,去掉了某个树丛”
- apparently, world-wide Blitz release will be tomorrow
Blitz 明天全球释出
- T-34-85M will be sold in shop on RU server
T-34-85M 会在俄服商城中开卖
- regarding the Individual Missions, Evilly specifically confirms that the
ending of first season does not mean the missions will no longer be
available, it just means that another set of missions will activate in
addition to the first one
Evilly 特别说明,个人任务第一季结束时不代表原任务结束,只是新任务启动
- Storm confirms: STA-2 will not have limited MM
Storm 证实 STA-2 正常分房
- apparently, Scorpion will arrive in the game not in 9.5, but “later”
9.5 也不会有蝎式,要“晚点”
- IM’s will most likely appear on 9.5 test, but in simplified form
9.5 公测可能有个人任务,但会是简化版
- the “flattening” of maps concerns small terrain irregularities, that do
not influence gameplay, but make the driving and aiming worse (SS: isn’t
that a contradiction?)
- IM’s will be published in a special article, soon
- Sixth Sense rework (tied to radioman) will come in “one of the upcoming
- apparently, the Firefly tracks (just like the Fury ones) are inverted (the
grousers should be opposite), this will be fixed
萤火虫的履带装反了(Fury 也是),会修正
- 9.5 will not bring the FV4202 switch or the Chieftain
9.5 不会有酋长式,也不会把 FV4202 变成金车

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