※ 引述《wl00669773 (Jerry shou)》之铭言: : 推 fw190a: 基本同意,除了狭窄海域的定义和限制还是比较模糊 02/12 23:34 : 这方面要看海军战略战术的书籍,会解释得比教则再清楚一点 : Naval Strategy and Operations in Narrow Seas : 摘录部分内容 : "most naval actions in the future will most likely take place in relative : proximity to the shores of the world’s continental landmass, in areas : known as ‘littoral waters’, and part of a war in the littorals would take : place in the waters of enclosed and semi-enclosed seas, the popularly : called ‘narrow seas’" 同一本书,这段我觉得讲比较清楚 The term narrow seas became extensively used during World War II in reference to the numerous clashes between small surface combatants in the waters surrounding the European landmass, especially the English Channel and the North Sea. 在二战中围绕着欧洲本土,尤其是英吉利海峡与北海的小型水面冲突, 常常被视为狭窄海域的作战。 With the steady extension of the range and endurance of surface ships and the increase in the effective range of weapons, especially after the advent of aircraft and cruise missiles, everlarger parts of the ocean bordering the world’s continents and large enclosed seas such as the Caribbean and the Mediterranean became in fact narrow seas. 随着水面船舰的续航能力以及武器射程的进步, 尤其是飞机与巡弋导弹,各个大陆周遭以及大型的封闭海域, 例如地中海与加勒比海,都成为实质上的狭窄海域。 ~~~~ 从这两段可以推出两点。 1.首先在二战中的狭窄海域用法, 就已经超出所谓让战列舰难以展开阵型的那种"狭窄"程度, 2.而且把狭窄海域定义扩展的,正是因为飞机等新武器的应用, 所以并不是有狭窄海域这地形,独立于空权的影响, 而是空权参与制定了狭窄海域的定义。 当然地形的影响,小艇的突击,阵型难以展开等困难, 在"更狭窄的海域"也实际存在, 但不能用狭窄海域这个概念直接保证上述困难存在。 ~~ 对于"更狭窄的海域",或许可以讨论看看, 到底战舰展开的阵型需要多大的空间?10km宽度还不够吗? 越多艘战舰需要的阵型空间真的是成倍率增长吗? 无法有效展开阵型的危害,有大到让人直接否决投入战舰吗?