“When the Japanese Property Registration Commission completed its work,
qualified staff economists estimated the total value of nonmilitary property
made ready for transfer at two billion dollars at prewar rates of exchange.
If we halve this sum (to mitigate the charge that the Japanese must be
expected to exaggerate their losses), we are still confronted with a
billion-dollar figure. Under circumstances then affecting values at Shanghai
and Taipei it was impossible to put a realistic valuation on Formosa as a
whole, and upon the confiscated properties. Here was in effect an enormous
reparations transfer of four or five billion dollars' worth of properties
(excluding arms and ammunition), by Japan to China.
Under proper management Formosa's modern economy could have been made to
generate great surpluses needed in the rehabilitation program for China proper
, and the island could have become an invaluable training ground for tens of
thousands of Chinese technicians needed in every mainland Chinese province.”