"...遂于十六世纪初又出现较轻的青铜铸后膛装填式火砲,葡萄牙人名之为 berço,其内
径约 5 cm,砲重约 150 kg,发射 1 lb 重之弹,每门母铳配备 4 门子铳,有效射程
约 600 m,最快每半分钟可发射一发。)然因当时机械的制造精度不够,导致膛内
(muzzleloading smoothbore cannon)在十六世纪前期逐渐引领风潮,并在该世纪末叶令
则始自嘉靖四十年。据嘉靖末年的统计,辽东各城总共配置了各式佛郎机铳 1,443门,
其中至少有 549 门为铜铳;而戚继光(1528–1588)在其《纪效新书》中,亦曾提及
佛郎机铳有长达 9 尺(明清 1 尺约合 32 cm)者。"
"They have been called by many names ...... "Folangji"
("佛朗机炮/佛朗机砲, Frankish gun") in Chinese"
"Around 1500, Europeans learnt how to cast iron, and shifted their cannon
productions to one-piece iron muzzle-loaders. China started to adopt European
breech-loading swivel guns from 1500 onward, limiting at the same time the
production of their own muzzle-loaders, because of the high effectiveness of
the breech-loading swivel gun as an anti-personnel gun, which to them was
more interesting than the sheer power of a cannonball."
Elizabethan Sea Dogs 1560-1605 (google books)
"...Wrought-iron breech-loading guns were carried on Spanish armed merchant
shipsat least until the 1590s, although they were considered obsolete by other
maritime powers.
...... They were limited to close-range fire, and the preferable alternative
was to use longer-range and more powerful muzzle-loading pieces which were
reloaded by performing outboard or inboard loading."
"A Swivel Gun was a small piece of ordnance, turning on a point or swivel. A
typical swivel gun might measure 33 inches (90 cm) in overall length, with a
bore diameter of 1 1/4 inches (3.5 cm). It would have fired 3/4 pound balls and
would be wedged in place to use for anti-personnel fire. Besides their main
defensive weapon, the swivel gun was used for signaling and salutes."
"More successful were the small wrought-iron breechloaders, called versos by
the Spanish and Portuguese, which appeared late in the fifteenth century.
...... Invariably swivel mounted, they came equipped with two or three removable
powder chambers which closely resembled beer mugs in form. These could be loaded and fired in rotation, permitting a maximum rate of
fire of perhaps two shots per minute for short periods."
Type Lb(nom) Lb(act) Wt(lb) Shots/hr Horses
Quarter-cannon 12 10-15 2000 12 5-10
Demiculverin 12 7-12 2000-3400 12 5-12
Piece Weight Shot Bore Length Point At 10 Max
lb lb in ft Blank deg
Culverin 2,299 12 4.6 8.5 600 4,000
Bastard ~3,000
Quarter 2,000 12 4.6 7.0 400 2,000
"...Koxinga ordered his artillery to advance and used 28 cannon to bombard the