LayerZ (無法如願)
2018-04-02 10:52:16※ 引述《arcross (阿插)》之铭言:
: 情报来源: 蓝帖
: 情报网址: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20762186570
: 情报翻译:
: Rogue
: Assassination
: Fan of Knives has been modified to have a bit more room to hang his favorite
: blades on the main wall in his bedroom.
刀扇现在会扩建玩家的卧室,才能在墙上挂玩家最爱的匕首。 (有够难翻,求正确翻译
: Rogues who cast their finishing moves at only 3 Combo Points are now
: highlighted in the group window for their raid leaders and that one guy who’
: s always telling you how to play your class. I mean, he’s not wrong, he’s
: just annoying.
: Outlaw
: Blade Flurry is now defaulted to ‘on’ at all times. We’re not even sure if
: you can turn it off anymore.
: Deeper Strategem now provides you with 5% more mind-blowing ideas while you’
: re in the shower.
: Opportunity no longer seems as though it procs but once in a lifetime.
(下BGM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ugAPhttl78 )
: Subtlety
: Fixed a bug where Relentless Strikes would sometimes relent.
: While players in all other specs are busy doing Professions or Holiday Events
: or Pet Battles, Subtlety Rogues are now required to study the blade.
作者: lizardXD (Ia!Ia!lizardXD Fhtagn!) 2018-04-02 13:45:00
fan同时是中文的粉丝 所以刀粉会有更多空间挂爱刀opportunity可能是阿姆lose yourself的副歌来的"This opportunity comes once in a lifetime"