没玩血邪所以可能不知道技能翻译是啥 参考
死握: 仇恨提高 200% -> 400% (应该是所有嘲讽类技能都修改了)
# 神器 #
Fortitude of the Ebon Blade 1/1
Increases damage by 10%, Armor by 20%, and Stamina by 10%.
增伤10%, 护甲20%, 耐力10%
Carrion Feast 4/4
Increases the healing of Death Strike by 5%.
死亡打击吸血增加 5%
Vampiric Aura 1/1
Consumption grants 20% Leech to you and 4 allies for 15 sec.
神器技能会在 15 秒内增加你跟四个队友 20% 汲取
Souldrinker 1/1
Overhealing done by Death Strike and Consumption increases your maximum health
by 50% of the overheal amount, stacking up to a maximum of 30% of your health.
死打跟神器招的过度治疗的 50% 会增加你的最大血量, 上限是血量的 30%
# 神器 #
Ferocity of the Ebon Blade 1/1
Increases damage by 10% and Stamina by 10%.
增伤 10%, 耐力 10%
Runefrost 4/4
Increases the chance to trigger Runic Empowerment by 5%.
每一点增加符文强化机率 5%,点满 20%
Runic Chills 1/1
Crystalline Swords damage reduces the cooldown of Sindragosa's Fury by 3 sec.
晶化剑(浮游炮)会减少大冰龙 3 秒 CD
Thronebreaker 做坏了的王座破坏者 1/1
Obliterate has a 100% chance to cause the target to be pierced from behind
by a Crystalline Sword.
灭寂 100% 触发一次晶化剑攻击
(nga 实测后这招有点强,让浮游炮占比一跃第一)
Cunning of the Ebon Blade 1/1
Increases damage by 10% and Stamina by 10%.
增伤 10%, 耐力 10%
Lash of Shadows 4/4
Festering Wounds deal an additional 6% damage when burst.
每一点增加伤口引爆 6% 伤害
Death's Harbinger 1/1
Apocalypse grants 3 Runes upon use.
神器技能恢复 3 个符文
Black Claws 1/1
While under the effect of Dark Transformation,
your abomination's Cleaver / ghoul's Claw has a 50% chance to burst
a Festering Wound.
黑暗变形下胖子的毒跟食尸鬼的爪有 50% 机率引爆伤口