JI1 (HauHau)
2018-04-27 11:44:35is it always true that good ends for good,
and evil ends for evil...?
are there cases that good people end up bad,
and bad people end up good?
or, is it otherwise, that good people naturally
end up bad, and bad people naturally end up good?
that this is without debate, and naturally true?
but can people take results as bad for good, and
good for bad?
notice the movies in theatres, the leading actors
win eventually, with or without sufering and stress.
people take for granted that god protects them from their
spiritual need and faith, but would you want to take the
challenge and go into a spiritual journey to explore the
nature of morality and philosophy? to prove that good is
always for good, and evil always for evil?
作者: felix2cFWN (尼采大大) 2018-05-01 00:18:00
umm I would like to know the thing you want to discuss is "the behavior" or "the morality"?