kira925 (1 2 3 4 疾风炭)
2017-02-02 15:40:42来源: http://www.polygon.com/2017/2/1/14474198/oculus-lawsuit-verdict
Oculus lawsuit ends with half billion dollar judgment awarded to ZeniMax
A Dallas, Texas jury today awarded half a billion dollars to ZeniMax after
finding that Oculus co-founder Palmer Luckey, and by extension Oculus, failed
to comply with a non-disclosure agreement he signed.
今日达拉斯的法庭宣判 Palmer Luckey 与他创立的公司 Oculus 必须赔偿 ZeniMax
5亿美金 缘由是 Palmer Luckey 当初确实违反了与 ZeniMax 的 NDA 条款
In awarding ZeniMax $500 million, the jury also said that Oculus did not
misappropriate trade secrets as contended by ZeniMax.
但同时 庭上也认定了 Oculus 并没有如 ZeniMax 宣称的窃取了商业机密
Of the $500 million, Oculus is paying out $200 million for breaking the NDA
and $50 million for copyright infringement. Oculus and Luckey each have to
pay $50 million for false designation. And Iribe has to pay $150 million for
the same, final count.
Reached for comment shortly after the verdict, Oculus said they will be
appealing, but that they look forward to eventually putting the case behind
Oculus 表示将会上诉 但他们的期望是可以将这件事情抛在脑后
“The heart of this case was about whether Oculus stole ZeniMax's trade
secrets, and the jury found decisively in our favor,” an Oculus spokesperson
told Polygon. “We're obviously disappointed by a few other aspects of
today's verdict, but we are undeterred. Oculus products are built with Oculus
technology. Our commitment to the long-term success of VR remains the same,
and the entire team will continue the work they've done since day one –
developing VR technology that will transform the way people interact and
communicate. “
"我们认为今天的判决所述符合了我们的预期" Oculus 的代表这样表示
Oculus 的产品是由 Oculus 的科技所构筑,我们将会持续发展VR科技"
ZeniMax tells Polygon that in light of the decision, it may seek an
injunction to stop the sale of Oculus Rift headsets, at least temporarily.
ZeniMax 则告诉了我们 他们可能会寻求禁售 Oculus Rift
Robert Altman, ZeniMax’s Chairman and CEO, added that “technology is the
foundation of our business and we consider the theft of our intellectual
property to be a serious matter. We appreciate the jury’s finding against
the defendants, and the award of half a billion dollars in damages for those
serious violations.”
ZeniMax 的CEO表示 "科技是我们公司的基石,我们认为窃取我们的智财是
不可轻忽的事情 我们感谢庭上否定了辩方的判决以及给予我们五亿元的赔偿"
<以下略 就是介绍官司的前因了>
所以经过两年的准备与最近的宣判 Oculus 最终还是在官司中败诉
虽然说目前还未确定到底事态会不会发展到 Oculus 禁售
但确定的是这对 Oculus 阵营又是一记沉重的闷棍
If the original complaint is to be believed(1) - which Juror's found credible
-the course of events, tldr was something like this:
- Zenimax bought ID software for >$100m(1) on June 24, 2009.
- Carmack signed up with Zenimax for an earn-out / golden-handcuffs agreement
that ended in June of 2013.
- Carmack was enthralled with VR.
- Carmack found Palmer via an internet forum, reached out to get a rift to
- Carmack tinkered with the Rift, adding sensors, building calibration, etc.
while on the clock / using hardware from zenimax.
- Carmack brought a prototype of the Rift working on Doom 3 to E3 with him
providing Oculus with their early press.
- Zenimax realized the extent to which Carmack was enabling Oculus and worked
to negotiate equity with Brendan Iribe.
- Oculus sent Zenimax a proposal to discuss a partnership Sept 21, 2012 but
never followed up / followed through.
- Carmack quit Zenimax the day his contract was up in June 2013, joined
Oculus as CTO a few months later and took his 5 best guys with him.
- FB bought Oculus March 2014, Zenmix got pissed and sued.